
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //############################################################################
00002 //#                                                                          #
00003 //#             /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~\              #
00004 //#            |                                          |____|             #
00005 //#            |                                          |                  #
00006 //#            |                                          |                  #
00007 //#            |                 B A S E                  |                  #
00008 //#            |                                          |                  #
00009 //#            |                                          |                  #
00010 //#            |              C L A S S E S               |                  #
00011 //#            |                                          |                  #
00012 //#            |                                          |                  #
00013 //#            |          C + +     S O U R C E           |                  #
00014 //#            |                                          |                  #
00015 //#            |                                          |                  #
00016 //#            |                                          |                  #
00017 //#            |                                          |                  #
00018 //#            |                                          |                  #
00019 //#         /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/   |                  #
00020 //#        |                                         |    |                  #
00021 //#         \_________________________________________\__/                   #
00022 //#                                                                          #
00023 //#                                                                          #
00024 //############################################################################
00025 //
00026 //   "C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot, C++ makes it harder,
00027 //   but when you do, it blows away your whole leg" -- Bjarne Stroustrup
00028 //
00029 //##############################################################################
00030 //# COPY-YES  (C):     :-))                                                    #
00031 //# PROJECT:           Object Oriented Finite Element Program                  #
00032 //# PURPOSE:                                                                   #
00033 //# CLASS:             skymatrix class                                         #
00034 //#                                                                            #
00035 //# VERSION:                                                                   #
00036 //# LANGUAGE:          C++.ver >= 2.0 ( Borland C++ ver=3.00, SUN C++ ver=2.1 )#
00037 //# TARGET OS:         DOS || UNIX || . . .                                    #
00038 //# PROGRAMMER(S):     Boris Jeremic ( with parts of fortran COLSOL which      #
00039 //#                                    is ported to C++ by BJ                  #
00040 //#                                                                            #
00041 //# DATE:              Nov. 12. 1992.                                          #
00042 //# UPDATE HISTORY:    Nov. 14. 1992.  Improved operator=                      #
00043 //#                    Nov. 16. 1992.  More print options ( upper, lower, full)#
00044 //#                    ___. __. 199_.  derived class from nDarray class        #
00045 //#                    August 22-29 '94 choped to separate files and worked on #
00046 //#                                   const and & issues                       #
00047 //#                    August 30-31 '94 added use_def_dim to full the CC       #
00048 //#                                   resolved problem with temoraries for     #
00049 //#                                   operators + and - ( +=, -= )             #
00050 //#                                                                            #
00051 //#                    September 09 '94 starting to rewrite things after a talk#
00052 //#                    by Stephen Jonson " Objecting the Objects". The point is#
00053 //#                    to forget about inheriting skymatrix from nDarray and   #
00054 //#                    start from separate branch!                             #
00055 //#                    September 11 '94 it works                               #
00056 //#                    September 12-13 '94 looking for the solver for symmetric#
00057 //#                                        and unsymmetric sparse matrices.    #
00058 //#                                        One solution is Taylor's profile    #
00059 //#                                        solver ( see FEM4ed by O.Z. and R.T.#
00060 //#                    September 27 '94 profile solver for symmetric and       #
00061 //#                                     Nonsymmetric systems works!            #
00062 //#                                     (from FEM4ed by O.Z. and R.T.)         #
00063 //#                                                                            #
00064 //##############################################################################
00065 #ifndef SKYMATRIX_CC
00066 #define SKYMATRIX_CC
00068 #include "skymatr.h"
00070 // SYMSKYMATRIX.CC  Symmetric Skyline Sparse Matrix Class
00074 //.. //##########################################################################
00075 //.. // empty constructor ( with default values )
00076 //.. skymatrix::skymatrix( int matrix_order, double init_val)
00077 //.. {
00078 //..  // create the structure:
00079 //..    pc_skymatrix_rep = new skymatrix_rep; // this 'new' is overloaded
00080 //.. 
00081 //.. 
00082 //..    pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim = matrix_order;
00083 //.. 
00084 //.. // get space for the MAXA vector
00085 //..    pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa = new int[matrix_order];
00086 //.. // put all 1 in the MAXA ( somewhat superficial! )
00087 //..    for ( int j=0 ; j<pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim ; j++ )
00088 //..      pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa[j] = 1;
00089 //.. 
00090 //..    pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb = total_numb;
00091 //.. 
00092 //..  // allocate memory for the actual skymatrix as skymatrix
00093 //..    pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata = new double [(size_t) pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb];
00094 //..      if (!pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata)
00095 //..        {
00096 //..          ::printf("\a\nInsufficient memory for skymatrix_rep\n");
00097 //..          ::exit(1);
00098 //..        }
00099 //.. 
00100 //..    pc_skymatrix_rep->n = 1;  // so far, there's one reference
00101 //.. 
00102 //..    for ( int i=0 ; i<pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb ; i++ )
00103 //..      pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[i] = init_val;
00104 //.. }
00105 //.. 
00106 //tempout//##########################################################################
00107 //tempoutskymatrix::skymatrix(FEModelData & FEMD, Brick3D * b3d, Node *  node)
00108 //tempout//skymatrix::skymatrix(FEModelData & FEMD, Finite_Element & FE)
00109 //tempout  {
00110 //tempout// create the structure:
00111 //tempout     pc_skymatrix_rep = new skymatrix_rep; // this 'new' is overloaded
00112 //tempout
00113 //tempout
00114 //tempout    int Number_of_DOFs = FEMD.get_number_of_DOFs();
00115 //tempout    pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim = Number_of_DOFs;
00116 //tempout// create ColumnHeight _________________________________________________
00117 //tempout    pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight = new int [Number_of_DOFs+1];
00118 //tempout      if (!pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight)
00119 //tempout        {
00120 //tempout          ::printf("\a\nInsufficient memory for pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight\n");
00121 //tempout          ::exit(1);
00122 //tempout        }
00123 //tempout    for (int count = 1 ; count <= Number_of_DOFs ; count++) 
00124 //tempout
00125 //tempout      //**** Changing 1 to 0 to set initial value of colheight. 
00126 //tempout      pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight[count]=0;  
00127 //tempout
00128 //tempout    int Number_of_Elements = FEMD.get_number_of_Bricks();
00129 //tempout
00130 //tempout    int II = 0;
00131 //tempout    int *LM = NULL;
00132 //tempout    int ME = 0;
00133 //tempout
00134 //tempout    int Number_of_DOFs_for_brick = 24;
00135 //tempout
00136 //tempout    for (int el_count = 1 ; el_count <= Number_of_Elements ; el_count++)
00137 //tempout      {
00138 //tempout        b3d[el_count].set_LM(node);
00139 //tempout       // b3d[el_count].reportLM("LM");
00140 //tempout      }
00141 //tempout
00142 //tempout// KJBathe: Page 1002 sub COLHT
00143 //tempout    int LS = 1000000;
00144 //tempout    int temp=0;
00145 //tempout
00146 //tempout    for (int el_cnt =1 ; el_cnt <= Number_of_Elements ; el_cnt++)
00147 //tempout      {
00148 //tempout        LS = 1000000; 
00149 //tempout        LM = b3d[el_cnt].get_LM();
00150 //tempout        for (int count01 = 0 ; count01 < Number_of_DOFs_for_brick ; count01++)
00151 //tempout          {
00152 //tempout            if (LM[count01] !=0 )
00153 //tempout              {
00154 //tempout//              ::printf("+++++++ LM[%d]= %d  LS = %d \n", count01, LM[count01],  LS);
00155 //tempout                temp =  LS;
00156 //tempout//              ::printf("temp = %d  LM[%d]= %d \n", temp, count01, LM[count01]);
00157 //tempout                temp = LM[count01] - temp;
00158 //tempout//              ::printf("temp = %d  LM[%d]= %d  LS = %d \n", temp, count01, LM[count01],  LS);
00159 //tempout                if ( temp < 0 ) 
00160 //tempout                  {
00161 //tempout                     LS = LM[count01];
00162 //tempout//                 ::printf("(LM[count01]-LS)<0->> LM[%d]= %d  LS = %d \n", count01, LM[count01],  LS);
00163 //tempout                  }
00164 //tempout
00165 //tempout              }
00166 //tempout          // getchar();
00167 //tempout          
00168 //tempout          }
00169 //tempout      
00170 //tempout      
00171 //tempout        for (int count02 = 0 ; count02 < Number_of_DOFs_for_brick ; count02++)
00172 //tempout          {
00173 //tempout            II = LM[count02];
00174 //tempout          // ::printf("II= %d  LM[%d] = %d \n", II,count02, LM[count02] );
00175 //tempout
00176 //tempout            if (II!=0) 
00177 //tempout              {
00178 //tempout                ME = II-LS;
00179 //tempout         //  ::printf("ME= %d  II = %d  LS = %d \n", ME, II, LS );
00180 //tempout
00181 //tempout         //  ::printf("ME= %d  II = %d  ColumnHeight[%d] = %d \n", ME, II, II, ColumnHeight[II]);
00182 //tempout              if (ME > pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight[II]) 
00183 //tempout                {
00184 //tempout                  pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight[II] = ME;
00185 //tempout           //  ::printf("ME > ColumnHeight[II] ->> ME= %d  ColumnHeight[%d] = %d \n", ME, II, ColumnHeight[II]);
00186 //tempout           //  getchar();
00187 //tempout                  }
00188 //tempout              }
00189 //tempout         }
00190 //tempout      
00191 //tempout        //::printf("IN colheigth = \n");
00192 //tempout
00193 //tempout    // for (int count03 = 1 ; count03 <= Number_of_DOFs ; count03++)
00194 //tempout    //   {
00195 //tempout    //     ::printf(" %d ",  pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight[count03] );
00196 //tempout    //   }
00197 //tempout//      getchar();
00198 //tempout      
00199 //tempout      }
00200 //tempout
00201 //tempout
00202 //tempout
00203 //tempout
00204 //tempout        ::printf(" \n ------+------ \n ");
00205 //tempout
00206 //tempout// create MAXA ______________________________________________
00207 //tempout//    pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa = new int [Number_of_DOFs+1];
00208 //tempout    pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa = new int [Number_of_DOFs];
00209 //tempout      if (!pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa)
00210 //tempout        {
00211 //tempout          ::printf("\a\nInsufficient memory for maxa\n");
00212 //tempout          ::exit(1);                                     
00213 //tempout        }
00214 //tempout    for (int count05 = 0 ; count05 < Number_of_DOFs ; count05++) 
00215 //tempout      pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[count05]=0;
00216 //tempout
00217 //tempout//  For the convience of calculating full_val from skymatrix: maxa[col]-maxa[col-1], adding
00218 //tempout//    pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[0] = 1;
00219 //tempout
00220 //tempout//    pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[1] = 1;
00221 //tempout//    pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[2] = 2;
00222 //tempout    pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[0] = 1;
00223 //tempout    pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[1] = 2;
00224 //tempout    //KJBathe pp 1002
00225 //tempout    int MK = 0;
00226 //tempout
00227 //tempout    for (int count07 = 1 ; count07 <=  Number_of_DOFs ; count07++) 
00228 //tempout      {
00229 //tempout        if (pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight[count07] > MK )
00230 //tempout          {
00231 //tempout            MK = pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight[count07];
00232 //tempout          }
00233 //tempout
00234 //tempout//        pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[count07+1] = 
00235 //tempout//           pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[count07]+pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight[count07] + 1;
00236 //tempout        pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[count07] = 
00237 //tempout           pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[count07-1]+pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight[count07] + 1;
00238 //tempout      }
00239 //tempout
00240 //tempout   //     ::printf("MAXA = \n");
00241 //tempout   // for (int count = 0 ; count < Number_of_DOFs+1 ; count++)
00242 //tempout   //   {
00243 //tempout   //     ::printf("Col %d MAXA =  %d \n", count, pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[count] );
00244 //tempout   //   }
00245 //tempout
00246 //tempout
00247 //tempout
00248 //tempout
00249 //tempout
00250 //tempout   int Total_K_length = pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[Number_of_DOFs+1];
00251 //tempout
00252 //tempout    pc_skymatrix_rep->data = new double [Total_K_length+1];
00253 //tempout
00254 //tempout      if (!pc_skymatrix_rep->data)
00255 //tempout        {
00256 //tempout          ::printf("\a\nInsufficient memory for pc_skymatrix_rep->data\n");
00257 //tempout          ::exit(1);
00258 //tempout        }
00259 //tempout  //ZHaohui Feb. 11, 2000 SOmething wrong with this statememt!
00260 //tempout    for (int count08 = 1 ; count08 <= Number_of_DOFs ; count08++) 
00261 //tempout      pc_skymatrix_rep->data[count08]=0;
00262 //tempout
00263 //tempout
00264 //tempout
00265 //tempout  }
00266 //tempout
00267 //##########################################################################
00268 //##########################################################################
00269 skymatrix::skymatrix(int Number_of_DOFs, int *MAXA, double *initval)
00270   {
00271  // create the structure:
00272     pc_skymatrix_rep = new skymatrix_rep; // this 'new' is overloaded
00274     pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim = Number_of_DOFs;
00276 // get space for the MAXA vector
00277     pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa = new int[Number_of_DOFs+1];
00278 // put all maxa's in the MAXA
00279     for ( int j=0 ; j<=Number_of_DOFs ; j++ )  
00280 //      pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[0] = 1;
00281 //    for ( int j=1 ; j<=Number_of_DOFs+1 ; j++ )  
00282       pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[j] = MAXA[j];
00284    int Total_K_length = pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[Number_of_DOFs];
00285  // allocate memory for the actual skymatrix as skymatrix
00286     pc_skymatrix_rep->data = new double [(size_t) Total_K_length];
00287       if (!pc_skymatrix_rep->data)
00288         {
00289           ::printf("\a\nInsufficient memory for skymatrix_rep\n");
00290           ::exit(1);
00291         }
00293     for ( int i=0 ; i<Total_K_length ; i++ )
00294       pc_skymatrix_rep->data[i] = initval[i];
00295   }
00297 //outOLD//##############################################################################
00298 //outOLDskymatrix::skymatrix(const skymatrix & x)   // copy initializer
00299 //outOLD {
00300 //outOLD  x.pc_skymatrix_rep->n++; // we're adding another reference.
00301 //outOLD  pc_skymatrix_rep = x.pc_skymatrix_rep;  // point to the new skymatrix_rep.
00302 //outOLD }
00306 //oldDestructor//##########################################################################
00307 //oldDestructorskymatrix::~skymatrix()
00308 //oldDestructor  {
00309 //oldDestructor    if (--pc_skymatrix_rep->n == 0)  // if reference count  goes to 0
00310 //oldDestructor  {
00311 //oldDestructor// DEallocate memory of the actual nDarray
00312 //oldDestructor//    delete [pc_nDarray_rep->pc_nDarray_rep->total_numb] pc_nDarray_rep->pd_nDdata;
00313 //oldDestructor//  see ELLIS & STROUSTRUP $18.3
00314 //oldDestructor//  and note on the p.65($5.3.4)
00315 //oldDestructor//  and the page 276 ($12.4)
00316 //oldDestructor    delete [] pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata;
00317 //oldDestructor    delete [] pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa;
00318 //oldDestructor    delete pc_skymatrix_rep;
00319 //oldDestructor  }
00320 //oldDestructor}
00322 //##########################################################################
00323 skymatrix::~skymatrix()
00324   {
00325         ::printf(" ------------  skymatrix::~skymatrix()   \n ");
00326          delete [] pc_skymatrix_rep->columnheight;
00327          delete [] pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa;
00328          delete [] pc_skymatrix_rep->data;
00329   }
00330 //outOLD////##########################################################################
00331 //outOLDskymatrix & skymatrix::operator=(const skymatrix & rval)
00332 //outOLD  {
00333 //outOLD    rval.pc_skymatrix_rep->n++; // we're adding another reference.
00334 //outOLD//    rval.reference_count(+1);  // tell the rval it has another reference
00335 //outOLD// It is important to increment the reference_counter in the new
00336 //outOLD// tensor before decrementing the reference_counter in the
00337 //outOLD// old tensor_rep to ensure proper operation when assigning a
00338 //outOLD// tensor_rep to itself ( after ARKoenig JOOP May/June '90 )
00339 //outOLD// clean up current value;
00340 //outOLD    if( reference_count(-1) == 0)  // if nobody else is referencing us.
00341 //outOLD      {
00342 //outOLD        delete [] pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata;
00343 //outOLD        delete [] pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa;
00344 //outOLD        delete pc_skymatrix_rep;
00345 //outOLD      }
00346 //outOLD// connect to new value
00347 //outOLD    pc_skymatrix_rep = rval.pc_skymatrix_rep;// point at the rval skymatrix_rep
00348 //outOLD
00349 //outOLD    return *this;
00350 //outOLD  }
00351 //outOLD
00352 //outOLD
00356 // Assemble global stiffness matrix from local contributions
00358 //        ::printf("ColHeigth = \n");
00359 //    for (int count = 1 ; count <= Number_of_DOFs ; count++)
00360 //      {
00361 //        ::printf("Col %d height =  %d \n", count, ColumnHeight[count] );
00362 //      }
00364 //##########################################################################
00365 int skymatrix::dimension_of_sky_M(void) const   // dimension of  sky matrix
00366   {
00367     return pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim;
00368   }
00370 //##########################################################################
00371 int * skymatrix::get_MAXA(void) const  // get pointer to array of
00372   {                                 // Locations of Diagonals
00373     return pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa;
00374   }
00377 //outOLD//##############################################################################
00378 //outOLD// skymatrix addition
00379 //outOLDskymatrix& skymatrix::operator+=(const skymatrix & rval)
00380 //outOLD  {
00381 //outOLD    long int this_total_numb = this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb;
00382 //outOLD    long int rval_total_numb =  rval.pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb;
00383 //outOLD
00384 //outOLD    if(this_total_numb != rval_total_numb)
00385 //outOLD      {
00386 //outOLD        ::printf("\a\nskymatrixs of different sizes: += not YET possible\n");
00387 //outOLD        ::exit ( 1 );
00388 //outOLD      }
00389 //outOLD
00390 //outOLD// Copy *this if necessary
00391 //outOLD    if ( this->pc_skymatrix_rep->n > 1 )// see ARK in JOOP may/june '90
00392 //outOLD      {                                    // "Letter From a Newcomer"
00393 //outOLD// create the structure:
00394 //outOLD        skymatrix_rep * New_pc_skymatrix_rep = new skymatrix_rep; // this 'new' is overloaded
00395 //outOLD
00396 //outOLD        New_pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim = this->pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim;
00397 //outOLD
00398 //outOLD// get space for the MAXA vector
00399 //outOLD        New_pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa = new int[this->pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim];
00400 //outOLD// put all maxa's in the MAXA
00401 //outOLD        for ( int j=0 ; j<this->pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim ; j++ )
00402 //outOLD          New_pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa[j] = this->pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa[j];
00403 //outOLD
00404 //outOLD        New_pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb = this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb;
00405 //outOLD
00406 //outOLD // allocate memory for the actual skymatrix as skymatrix
00407 //outOLD        New_pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata = new double [(size_t) pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb];
00408 //outOLD          if (!New_pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata)
00409 //outOLD            {
00410 //outOLD              ::printf("\a\nInsufficient memory for New_skymatrix_rep\n");
00411 //outOLD              ::exit(1);
00412 //outOLD            }
00413 //outOLD
00414 //outOLD        New_pc_skymatrix_rep->n = 1;  // so far, there's one reference
00415 //outOLD
00416 //outOLD        for ( int i=0 ; i<New_pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb ; i++ )
00417 //outOLD          New_pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[i] = this->pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[i];
00418 //outOLD
00419 //outOLD        this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb--;
00420 //outOLD        this->pc_skymatrix_rep = New_pc_skymatrix_rep;
00421 //outOLD//..............................................................................
00422 //outOLD      }
00423 //outOLD// I can add this two skymatrices just as a simple vectors:
00424 //outOLD    for (int k=0 ; k<this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb ; k++)
00425 //outOLD      this->pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[k] += rval.pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[k];
00426 //outOLD
00427 //outOLD    return *this;
00428 //outOLD  }
00429 //outOLD
00430 //outOLD
00431 //outOLD//##############################################################################
00432 //outOLD// skymatrix addition
00433 //outOLDskymatrix operator+(const skymatrix & lval, const skymatrix & rval)
00434 //outOLD  {
00435 //outOLD    skymatrix result(lval);
00436 //outOLD    result += rval;
00437 //outOLD    return result;
00438 //outOLD  }
00439 //outOLD
00440 //outOLD
00441 //outOLD//##############################################################################
00442 //outOLD// scalar addition
00443 //outOLDskymatrix skymatrix::operator+( double rval)
00444 //outOLD {
00445 //outOLD// construct skymatrix using the same control numbers as for the
00446 //outOLD// original one.
00447 //outOLD      skymatrix add(pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim,
00448 //outOLD                       pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa,
00449 //outOLD                       pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata);
00450 //outOLD
00451 //outOLD      for ( int i1=0 ; i1<this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb ; i1++ )
00452 //outOLD        {
00453 //outOLD          add.pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[i1] += rval;
00454 //outOLD        }
00455 //outOLD    return add;
00456 //outOLD }
00457 //outOLD
00458 //outOLD
00459 //outOLD
00460 //outOLD//##############################################################################
00461 //outOLD// skymatrix substraction
00462 //outOLDskymatrix& skymatrix::operator-=(const skymatrix & rval)
00463 //outOLD  {
00464 //outOLD    long int this_total_numb = this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb;
00465 //outOLD    long int rval_total_numb =  rval.pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb;
00466 //outOLD
00467 //outOLD    if(this_total_numb != rval_total_numb)
00468 //outOLD      {
00469 //outOLD        ::printf("\a\nskymatrixs of different sizes: -= not YET possible\n");
00470 //outOLD        ::exit ( 1 );
00471 //outOLD      }
00472 //outOLD
00473 //outOLD// Copy *this if necessary
00474 //outOLD    if ( this->pc_skymatrix_rep->n > 1 )// see ARK in JOOP may/june '90
00475 //outOLD      {                                    // "Letter From a Newcomer"
00476 //outOLD//..............................................................................
00477 //outOLD      // create the structure:
00478 //outOLD // create the structure:
00479 //outOLD        skymatrix_rep * New_pc_skymatrix_rep = new skymatrix_rep; // this 'new' is overloaded
00480 //outOLD
00481 //outOLD        New_pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim = this->pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim;
00482 //outOLD
00483 //outOLD// get space for the MAXA vector
00484 //outOLD        New_pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa = new int[this->pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim];
00485 //outOLD// put all maxa's in the MAXA
00486 //outOLD        for ( int j=0 ; j<this->pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim ; j++ )
00487 //outOLD          New_pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa[j] = this->pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa[j];
00488 //outOLD
00489 //outOLD        New_pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb = this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb;
00490 //outOLD
00491 //outOLD // allocate memory for the actual skymatrix as skymatrix
00492 //outOLD        New_pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata = new double [(size_t) pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb];
00493 //outOLD          if (!New_pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata)
00494 //outOLD            {
00495 //outOLD              ::printf("\a\nInsufficient memory for New_skymatrix_rep\n");
00496 //outOLD              ::exit(1);
00497 //outOLD            }
00498 //outOLD
00499 //outOLD        New_pc_skymatrix_rep->n = 1;  // so far, there's one reference
00500 //outOLD
00501 //outOLD        for ( int i=0 ; i<New_pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb ; i++ )
00502 //outOLD          New_pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[i] = this->pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[i];
00503 //outOLD
00504 //outOLD        this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb--;
00505 //outOLD        this->pc_skymatrix_rep = New_pc_skymatrix_rep;
00506 //outOLD//..............................................................................
00507 //outOLD      }
00508 //outOLD// I can add this two skymatrices just as a simple vectors:
00509 //outOLD    for (int k=0 ; k<this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb ; k++)
00510 //outOLD      this->pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[k] -= rval.pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[k];
00511 //outOLD
00512 //outOLD    return *this;
00513 //outOLD  }
00514 //outOLD
00515 //outOLD
00516 //outOLD//##############################################################################
00517 //outOLD// skymatrix substraction
00518 //outOLDskymatrix operator-(const skymatrix & lval, const skymatrix & rval)
00519 //outOLD  {
00520 //outOLD    skymatrix result(lval);
00521 //outOLD    result -= rval;
00522 //outOLD    return result;
00523 //outOLD  }
00524 //outOLD
00525 //outOLD
00526 //outOLD//##############################################################################
00527 //outOLD// scalar substraction
00528 //outOLDskymatrix skymatrix::operator-( double rval)
00529 //outOLD {
00530 //outOLD// construct skymatrix using the same control numbers as for the
00531 //outOLD// original one.
00532 //outOLD      skymatrix substract(pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim,
00533 //outOLD                             pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa,
00534 //outOLD                             pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata);
00535 //outOLD
00536 //outOLD      for ( int i1=0 ; i1<this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb ; i1++ )
00537 //outOLD        {
00538 //outOLD          substract.pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[i1] -= rval;
00539 //outOLD        }
00540 //outOLD    return substract;
00541 //outOLD }
00542 //outOLD
00543 //outOLD
00544 //outOLD//##############################################################################
00545 //outOLD// scalar multiplication
00546 //outOLDskymatrix skymatrix::operator*( double rval)
00547 //outOLD {
00548 //outOLD// construct skymatrix using the same control numbers as for the
00549 //outOLD// original one.
00550 //outOLD      skymatrix mult(pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim,
00551 //outOLD                        pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa,
00552 //outOLD                        pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata);
00553 //outOLD
00554 //outOLD      for ( int i1=0 ; i1<this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb ; i1++ )
00555 //outOLD        {
00556 //outOLD          mult.pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[i1] *= rval;
00557 //outOLD        }
00558 //outOLD    return mult;
00559 //outOLD }
00560 //outOLD
00561 //outOLD
00562 //outOLD
00563 //outOLD
00564 //outOLD
00565 //outOLD
00566 //outOLD
00567 //outOLD
00568 //outOLD
00569 //outOLD//##########################################################################
00570 //outOLD// this one is the same as mval except that it is more convinient
00571 //outOLD// to overload operator (row,col).
00572 //outOLDdouble & skymatrix::operator( )(int row, int col) const
00573 //outOLD  {
00574 //outOLD    if( row>col )         // Now we can call the matrix
00575 //outOLD      {                   // as if it is full matrix.
00576 //outOLD        int temp = row;   // This makes small overhead
00577 //outOLD        row = col;        // and it will be removed latter on.
00578 //outOLD        col = temp;
00579 //outOLD      }
00580 //outOLD    int diagonal_member_n = *(pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa+col-1);  //-1:starts from 0
00581 //outOLD    int member_of_sky_n = diagonal_member_n + col - row -1; //-1:starts from 0
00582 //outOLD    double * member_of_sky = &(pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[member_of_sky_n]) ;
00583 //outOLD    return( * member_of_sky );
00584 //outOLD  }
00586 //##########################################################################
00587 double & skymatrix::mval(int row, int col) const
00588   {
00589     if( row>col )         // Now we can call the matrix
00590       {                   // as if it is full matrix.
00591         int temp = row;   // This makes small overhead
00592         row = col;        // and it will be removed latter on.
00593         col = temp;
00594       }
00595     int diagonal_member_n = *(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa+col-1);  //-1:starts from 0
00596    int member_of_sky_n = diagonal_member_n + col - row -1; //-1:starts from 0
00597     double * member_of_sky = &(pc_skymatrix_rep->data[member_of_sky_n]) ;
00598     return( * member_of_sky );
00599 // put this latter after debugging
00600 //          return(*( ps_sky_m_rep->pd_nDdata[*(ps_sky_m_rep->p_maxa+col)+col-row-1]));
00601   }
00605 //##########################################################################
00606 // full_val function allows you to treat skymatrix as if it is full
00607 // float matrix. The function will calculate position inside sky matrix
00608 // and return appropriate number if row and col are bellow skyline or
00609 // return zero (0) if row and col are above sky line
00610 double skymatrix::full_val(int row, int col) const
00611   {
00612     if( row>col )
00613       {
00614         int temp = row;
00615         row = col;
00616         col = temp;
00617       }
00618   int total_column_height = col;
00619   int actual_column_position = total_column_height - row + 1;
00620   int real_column_height = pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[col]-pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[col-1]; 
00621   int how_much_above_skyline=actual_column_position-real_column_height; //  adding -1 -Zhaohui
00622   if ( how_much_above_skyline > 0 )
00623     {
00624       double back = 0.0;    
00625       return ( back );
00626     }
00627   else
00628     {
00629       int diagonal_member_n = *(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa+col-1);  //-1:starts from 0 // deleting -1 --Zhaohui
00630       int member_of_sky_n = diagonal_member_n + col - row-1 ; //-1:starts from 0 // deleting -1  --Zhaohui
00631       double member_of_sky = pc_skymatrix_rep->data[member_of_sky_n] ;
00632       return( member_of_sky );
00633 // put this latter after debugging
00634 //        return(*( ps_sky_m_rep->pd_nDdata[*(ps_sky_m_rep->p_maxa+col)+col-row-1]));
00635     }
00636   }
00637      // used by skymatrix functions which KNOW they aren't
00638      // exceeding the boundaries
00644 //##########################################################################
00645 double & skymatrix::val(int row, int col)
00646   {
00647 //    double zero=0.0;
00648     if ( row<=0 && row>=dimension_of_sky_M() && col>=dimension_of_sky_M() )
00649       {
00650         error("index out of range");
00651 //        return zero;
00652       }
00653 //    else
00654       return (mval(row,col));
00655   }
00657 //##########################################################################
00658 double skymatrix::cval(int row, int col) const
00659   {
00660     double zero=0.0;
00661     if ( row<=0 && row>=dimension_of_sky_M() && col>=dimension_of_sky_M() )
00662       {
00663         error("index out of range");
00664         return zero;
00665       }
00666 //    else
00667       return (mval(row,col));
00668   }
00671 //##########################################################################
00672 double skymatrix::mmin()
00673   {
00674     double temp = 0.0;
00675     if ( dimension_of_sky_M()<=0 )
00676       {
00677         error("bad skymatrix size for min ()");
00678         return 0.0;
00679       }
00680     double minimum = mval(1,1);
00681     for ( int row=1 ; row<=dimension_of_sky_M() ; row++ )
00682       for ( int col=1 ; col<=dimension_of_sky_M() ; col++ )
00683         if ( (temp=mval(row,col)) < minimum )
00684           minimum = temp;
00685     return minimum;
00686   }
00688 //##########################################################################
00689 double skymatrix::mmax()
00690   {
00691     double temp = 0.0;
00692     if( dimension_of_sky_M()<=0 )
00693       {
00694         error("bad skymatrix size for max()");
00695         double zero=0.0;
00696         return zero;
00697       }
00698     double maximum = mval(1,1);
00699     for ( int row=1 ; row<=dimension_of_sky_M() ; row++ )
00700       for ( int col=1 ; col<=dimension_of_sky_M() ; col++ )
00701         {
00702           if ( (temp=mval(row,col)) > maximum )
00703           maximum = temp;
00704         }
00705     return maximum;
00706   }
00708 //outOLD//##########################################################################
00709 //outOLDdouble skymatrix::mean()
00710 //outOLD  {
00711 //outOLD    int col = 0;
00712 //outOLD    int row = 1;
00713 //outOLD    double sum = 0;
00714 //outOLD    for ( row=1 ; row<=dimension_of_sky_M() ; row++ )
00715 //outOLD      for ( col=1 ; col<=dimension_of_sky_M() ; col++ )
00716 //outOLD        sum += fabs(mval(row,col));
00717 //outOLD    return sum/(row*col);
00718 //outOLD  }
00719 //outOLD
00720 //outOLD
00721 //##########################################################################
00722 void skymatrix::lower_print(char *msg)
00723   {
00724     if (*msg) printf("%s\n",msg);
00725     for ( int row=1 ; row<=dimension_of_sky_M() ; row++ )
00726       {
00727         int total_column_height = row;
00728         int real_column_height = pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[row] - pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[row-1];
00729         int numb_of_voids = total_column_height - real_column_height;
00730         int n_of_voids_to_reach_number = numb_of_voids;
00731         for ( int col=1 ; col<=row ; col++ )
00732           {
00733             if( n_of_voids_to_reach_number > 0 )
00734               {
00735                  for(int void_count=1; void_count<=numb_of_voids; void_count++)
00736                   {
00737                     printf("********* ");
00738                     col++;
00739                     n_of_voids_to_reach_number--;
00740                   }
00741               }
00742             printf( "%+6.2e ", cval(row,col) );
00743           }
00744         printf("\n");
00745       }
00746   }
00748 //##########################################################################
00749 void skymatrix::upper_print(char *msg)
00750   {
00751     if (*msg) printf("%s\n",msg);
00752     for ( int row=1 ; row<=dimension_of_sky_M() ; row++ )
00753       {
00754         for ( int voids=0 ; voids<row-1 ; voids++ ) printf("        ");
00755         for ( int col=row ; col<=dimension_of_sky_M() ; col++ )
00756           {
00757             int total_column_height = col;
00758             int actual_column_position = total_column_height - row + 1;
00759             int real_column_height = pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[col] - pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[col-1];
00760             int how_much_above_skyline=actual_column_position-real_column_height;
00761             if ( how_much_above_skyline > 0 )
00762               {
00763                 printf("********* ");
00764               }
00765             else
00766               {
00767                 printf( "%+6.2e ", cval(col,row) );
00768               }
00769           }
00770         printf("\n");
00771       }
00772   }
00775 //##########################################################################
00776 void skymatrix::full_print(char *msg)
00777   {
00778     if (*msg) printf("%s\n",msg);
00779     for ( int row=1 ; row<=dimension_of_sky_M() ; row++ )
00780       {
00781         for ( int col=1 ; col<=dimension_of_sky_M() ; col++ )
00782           {
00783             printf( "%+6.2e ", full_val(row,col) );
00784           }
00785         printf("\n");
00786       }
00787   }
00790 //##########################################################################
00791 void skymatrix::error(char * msg1, char * msg2) const
00792   {
00793     ::fprintf(stderr,"skymatrix error: %s %s\n", msg1, msg2);
00794     exit( 1 );
00795   }
00799 //outOLD
00802 //tempout//#############################################################################
00803 //tempout// Assemble global stiffness matrix from local contributions
00804 //tempoutskymatrix & skymatrix::AssembleBricksInSkyMatrix(stiffness_matrix & Ke,
00805 //tempout                                                 Brick3D          * b3d,
00806 //tempout                                                 Node             * node
00807 //tempout                                                )
00808 //tempout  {
00809 //tempout//    int BrickNumber = b3d->get_Brick_Number();
00810 //tempout//    b3d->reportshort("");
00811 //tempout
00812 //tempout// for element numbered BrickNumber create LM array (see Bathe pp984
00813 //tempout//    for (int LocalNodeNumber = 1 ; LocalNodeNumber<=20 ; LocalNodeNumber++ )
00814 //tempout
00815 //tempout
00816 //tempout//--    for (int LocalNodeNumber = 1 ; LocalNodeNumber<=8 ; LocalNodeNumber++ )// for 8noded brick
00817 //tempout//--      {
00818 //tempout//--//        int global_node_number = b3d[BrickNumber-1].get_global_number_of_node(LocalNodeNumber-1);
00819 //tempout//--        int global_node_number = b3d->get_global_number_of_node(LocalNodeNumber-1);
00820 //tempout//--        LM[3*LocalNodeNumber-3] = node[global_node_number].eqn_tx();
00821 //tempout//--        LM[3*LocalNodeNumber-2] = node[global_node_number].eqn_ty();
00822 //tempout//--        LM[3*LocalNodeNumber-1] = node[global_node_number].eqn_tz();
00823 //tempout//--      }
00824 //tempout
00825 //tempout       ::printf("\n\n");
00826 //tempout//..for (int count01=1;count01<=8;count01++)
00827 //tempout//..  {
00828 //tempout//..::printf("element %4d localNode %4d Globalnode %4d  LM   %4d   %4d   %4d\n", BrickNumber, count01,b3d->get_global_number_of_node(count01-1),  LM[count01*3-3], LM[count01*3-2], LM[count01*3-1] );
00829 //tempout//..  }
00830 //tempout
00831 //tempout        int *lm = b3d->get_LM();
00832 //tempout
00833 //tempout
00834 //tempout// KJBathe pp1003 ADDBAN
00835 //tempout
00836 //tempout    int DOF_count_for_Brick = 24;
00837 //tempout    int ND = DOF_count_for_Brick;
00838 //tempout    int NDI = 0;
00839 //tempout    int II = 0;
00840 //tempout    int MI = 0;
00841 //tempout    int KS = 0;
00842 //tempout    int KSS = 0;
00843 //tempout    int JJ = 0;
00844 //tempout    int IJ = 0;
00845 //tempout    int KK = 0;
00846 //tempout    for (int I = 1 ; I <= DOF_count_for_Brick ; I++)
00847 //tempout      {
00848 //tempout        II =  lm[I-1];
00849 //tempout        if (II > 0) 
00850 //tempout          {
00851 //tempout            MI = pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa[II-1];   //II-1--> II
00852 //tempout
00853 //tempout            KS = I;
00854 //tempout            for (int J = 1 ; J <= DOF_count_for_Brick ; J++)
00855 //tempout              {
00856 //tempout                JJ = lm[J-1];
00857 //tempout                if (JJ > 0)
00858 //tempout                  {
00859 //tempout                    IJ = II - JJ;
00860 //tempout                    if (IJ >= 0 ) 
00861 //tempout                      { 
00862 //tempout                        KK = MI + IJ;
00863 //tempout                        KSS = KS;
00864 //tempout                        if ( J >= I ) 
00865 //tempout                          {
00866 //tempout                            KSS = J + NDI;
00867 //tempout                          }
00868 //tempout                        pc_skymatrix_rep->data[KK-1] = 
00869 //tempout                          pc_skymatrix_rep->data[KK-1] + Ke.val(I,J); // J-->KSS
00870 //tempout                      }
00871 //tempout                  }
00872 //tempout                KS = KS + ND -J;
00873 //tempout
00874 //tempout              }
00875 //tempout
00876 //tempout          }
00877 //tempout        NDI = NDI + ND - I;
00878 //tempout      }
00879 //tempout
00880 //tempout
00881 //tempout    return * this;
00882 //tempout  }
00883 //tempout
00884 //tempout
00888 //* COPY-YES  (C):   1990,1991,1992
00889 //* PROJECT:
00890 //* FILE:
00891 //* FUNCTION:
00892 //* PURPOSE:
00893 //* VERSION
00894 //* LANGUAGE:        Microsoft C 6.0 , Borland C++ 3.1
00895 //* TARGET OS:       DOS
00896 //* PROGRAMMER:      Jeremic Boris
00897 //* DATE:
00898 //* UPDATE HISTORY:  Nov. 12. 1992. C++ ver
00899 //****************************************************************************/
00952 skymatrix & skymatrix::v_ldl_factorize()
00953 {
00954   int kn  = 0;
00955   int kl  = 0;
00956   int ku  = 0;
00957   int kh  = 0;
00958   int k   = 0;
00959   int ic  = 0;
00960   int klt = 0;
00961   int ki  = 0;
00962   int nd  = 0;
00963   int kk  = 0;
00964   int n   = 0;
00965   int j   = 0;
00966   int l   = 0;
00967   double c = 0.0;
00968   double b = 0.0;
00969   ::printf(" \n\n* * * Equations to factorize : ");
00970   for ( n=1 ; n<=pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim ; n++ )
00971     {
00972       printf(" %5d\b\b\b\b\b", pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim - n);
00973       kn=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa-1+n);
00974       kl=kn+1;
00975       ku=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa-1+n+1)-1;
00976       kh=ku-kl;         // changes ######## from colsol.c
00977       if ( kh>0 )       // *(pd_ldl_a. . . ) --> *(pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata-1. . . )
00978         {               // *(pi_ldl_maxa. . . ) --> *(pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa-1. . .)
00979           k=n-kh;       // *(pi_ldl_nn) --> pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim
00980           ic=0;
00981           klt=ku;
00982           for ( j=1 ; j<=kh ; j++ )
00983             {
00984               ic=ic+1;
00985               klt=klt-1;
00986               ki=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa-1+k);
00987               nd=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa-1+k+1)-ki-1;
00988               if ( nd>0 )
00989                 {
00990                   kk=( (ic<nd) ? ic : nd );
00991                   c=0.0;
00992                   for ( l=1 ; l<=kk ; l++ )
00993                     c=c+(*(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+ki+l))*(*(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+klt+l));
00994                   *(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+klt)=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+klt)-c;
00995                 }
00996               k=k+1;
00997             }
00998         }
00999       if ( kh>=0 )
01000         {
01001           k=n;
01002           b=0.0;
01003           for ( kk=kl ; kk<=ku ; kk++ )
01004             {
01005               k=k-1;
01006               ki=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa-1+k);
01007               c=(*(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+kk))/(*(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+ki));
01008               b=b+c*(*(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+kk));
01009               *(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+kk)=c;
01010             }
01011           *(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+kn)=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+kn)-b;
01012         }
01013       if ( *(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+kn)<=0 )
01014         {
01015           printf("\n Colsol Stoped - Stiffness Matrix not positive definite \n");
01016           printf(" non positive pivot for equation, %d\n ", n);
01017           printf(" pivot, %.12e \n", *(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+kn) );
01018           exit(1);
01019         }
01020 //  printf("--------------------------  %d\n",n);
01021 //  for( int i=0 ; i<=11 ; i++ )
01022 //    {
01023 //      printf("pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[%d] = %8.4f\n",i, pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata[i]);
01024 //    }
01025 //  getch();
01028   }
01029   printf("\n");
01030   return(*this);
01031 }
01034 //* COPY-YES  (C):   1990,1991   Jeremic Boris,
01035 //* PROJECT:
01036 //* FILE:
01037 //* FUNCTION:
01038 //* PURPOSE:
01039 //* VERSION
01040 //* LANGUAGE:        Microsoft C 6.0
01041 //* TARGET OS:       DOS
01042 //* PROGRAMMER:      Jeremic Boris
01043 //* DATE:
01045 //****************************************************************************/
01060 double * skymatrix::d_reduce_r_h_s_l_v ( double *pd_rhs )
01061 {
01062   int kl = 0;
01063   int ku = 0;
01064   int k  = 0;
01065   int n  = 0;
01066   int kk = 0;
01067   double c = 0.0;
01068   printf("\n * * * Right hand side loads to reduce :");
01069   for ( n=1 ; n<=pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim ; n++ )
01070     {
01071       printf(" %5d\b\b\b\b\b", pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim - n);
01072       kl=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa-1+n)+1;
01073       ku=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa-1+n+1)-1;  // changes ######## from colsol.c
01074       if ( ku>=kl )             // *(pd_red_a. . . ) --> *(pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata-1. . . )
01075         {                       // *(pi_red_maxa. . . ) --> *(pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa-1. . .)
01076           k=n;                  // *(pi_red_nn) --> pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim
01077           c=0.0;                // *(pd_rhs. . .) --> *(pd_rhs-1 . . . )
01078           for ( kk=kl ; kk<=ku ; kk++ )
01079             {
01080               k=k-1;
01081               c=c+(*(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+kk))*(*(pd_rhs-1+k));
01082             }
01083           *(pd_rhs-1+n)=*(pd_rhs-1+n)-c;   //pd_rhs[-1+n]==*(pd_rhs-1+n)
01084         }
01085     }
01086   printf("\n");
01087   return( pd_rhs );
01088 }
01091 //* COPY-YES  (C):   1990,1991     Jeremic Boris,
01092 //* PROJECT:
01093 //* FILE:
01094 //* FUNCTION:
01095 //* PURPOSE:
01096 //* VERSION
01097 //* LANGUAGE:        MicroSoft C 6.0
01098 //* TARGET OS:       DOS
01099 //* PROGRAMMER:      Jeremic Boris  (J_P_S_B)
01100 //* DATE:
01102 //*
01103 //*
01104 //*
01105 //****************************************************************************/
01120 double * skymatrix::d_back_substitute ( double *pd_rhs )
01121 {
01122   int k  = 0;
01123   int n  = 0;
01124   int kl = 0;
01125   int ku = 0;
01126   int l  = 0;
01127   int kk = 0;
01128   printf(" \n * * * Equations to back substitute :");
01129   for ( n=1 ; n<=pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim ; n++ )
01130     {
01131       printf(" %5d\b\b\b\b\b", pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim - n);
01132       k=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa-1+n);
01133       *(pd_rhs-1+n)=(*(pd_rhs-1+n))/(*(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+k));
01134     }
01135   if ( pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim==1 ) return(pd_rhs);
01136   n=pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim ;
01137   for ( l=2 ; l<=pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim ; l++ )
01138     {                            // changes ######## from colsol.c
01139       kl=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa-1+n)+1;     // *(pd_bac_a. . . ) --> *(pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata-1. . . )
01140       ku=*(pc_skymatrix_rep->maxa-1+n+1)-1;   // *(pi_bac_maxa. . . ) --> *(pc_skymatrix_rep->p_maxa-1. . .)
01141       if( ku>=kl )               // *(pi_bac_nn) --> pc_skymatrix_rep->square_dim
01142         {                        // *(pd_rhs. . .) --> *(pd_rhs-1 . . . )
01143           k=n;
01144           for ( kk=kl ; kk<=ku ; kk++ )
01145             {
01146               k=k-1;
01147               *(pd_rhs-1+k)=*(pd_rhs-1+k)-(*(pc_skymatrix_rep->data-1+kk))*(*(pd_rhs-1+n));
01148             }
01149           n=n-1;
01150         }
01151     }
01152   printf("\n");
01153   return (pd_rhs);
01154 }
01159 //outOLD//##############################################################################
01160 //outOLD// very private part
01161 //outOLD//##############################################################################
01162 //outOLD   double * skymatrix::data(void) const
01163 //outOLD    {
01164 //outOLD      return this->pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata;
01165 //outOLD    }
01166 //outOLD
01167 //outOLD    void skymatrix::set_data_pointer(double * data_pointer)
01168 //outOLD    {
01169 //outOLD      this->pc_skymatrix_rep->pd_nDdata = data_pointer;
01170 //outOLD    }
01171 //outOLD//
01172 //outOLD//    int skymatrix::rank(void) const
01173 //outOLD//    {
01174 //outOLD//      return this->pc_skymatrix_rep->skymatrix_rank;
01175 //outOLD//    }
01176 //outOLD
01177 //outOLD//    void skymatrix::rank(int skymatrix_rank)
01178 //outOLD//    {
01179 //outOLD//      this->pc_skymatrix_rep->skymatrix_rank = skymatrix_rank;
01180 //outOLD//    }
01181 //outOLD//
01182 //outOLD    long int skymatrix::total_number(void) const
01183 //outOLD    {
01184 //outOLD      return this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb;
01185 //outOLD    }
01186 //outOLD
01187 //outOLD    void skymatrix::total_number(long int number)
01188 //outOLD    {
01189 //outOLD      this->pc_skymatrix_rep->total_numb = number;
01190 //outOLD    }
01191 //outOLD
01192 //outOLD//    int * skymatrix::dim(void) const
01193 //outOLD//    {
01194 //outOLD//      return this->pc_skymatrix_rep->dim;
01195 //outOLD//    }
01196 //outOLD//
01197 //outOLD//    int & skymatrix::get_dim_pointer(void) const
01198 //outOLD//    {
01199 //outOLD//      return this->pc_skymatrix_rep->dim[0];
01200 //outOLD//    }
01201 //outOLD//
01202 //outOLD//    void skymatrix::set_dim_pointer(int * dim_pointer)
01203 //outOLD//    {
01204 //outOLD//      this->pc_skymatrix_rep->dim = dim_pointer;
01205 //outOLD//    }
01206 //outOLD//
01207 //outOLD//    int skymatrix::dim(int which) const
01208 //outOLD//    {
01209 //outOLD//      return this->pc_skymatrix_rep->dim[which-1];
01210 //outOLD//    }
01211 //outOLD//
01212 //outOLD    int skymatrix::reference_count(int up_down)
01213 //outOLD    {
01214 //outOLD      this->pc_skymatrix_rep->n += up_down;
01215 //outOLD      return(this->pc_skymatrix_rep->n);
01216 //outOLD    }
01217 //outOLD
01218 //outOLD    void skymatrix::set_reference_count(int ref_count)
01219 //outOLD    {
01220 //outOLD      this->pc_skymatrix_rep->n=ref_count;
01221 //outOLD    }
01222 //outOLD
01223 //outOLD
01224 //outOLD//##############################################################################
01225 //outOLD// TENSOR_REP_CC
01226 //outOLD// #######################
01227 //outOLD// memory manager part
01228 //outOLD// overloading operator new in skymatrix::skymatrix_rep class  ##################
01229 //outOLDvoid * skymatrix_rep::operator new(size_t s)
01230 //outOLD  {                                       // see C++ reference manual by
01231 //outOLD    void *void_pointer;                   // ELLIS and STROUSTRUP page 283.
01232 //outOLD    void_pointer = ::operator new(s);     // and ECKEL page 529.
01233 //outOLD//    ::printf("\nnew pointer %p of size %d\n",void_pointer,s);
01234 //outOLD    if (!void_pointer)
01235 //outOLD      {
01236 //outOLD        ::printf("\a\nInsufficient memory\n");
01237 //outOLD        ::exit(1);
01238 //outOLD      }
01239 //outOLD    return void_pointer;
01240 //outOLD  }
01241 //outOLD
01242 //outOLD// overloading operator delete in skymatrix::skymatrix_rep class  ##################
01243 //outOLDvoid skymatrix_rep::operator delete(void *p)
01244 //outOLD  {                                       // see C++ reference manual by
01245 //outOLD                                          // ELLIS and STROUSTRUP page 283.
01246 //outOLD                                          // and ECKEL page 529.
01247 //outOLD//    ::printf("deleted pointer %p\n",p);
01248 //outOLD    ::operator delete(p);
01249 //outOLD  }
01250 //outOLD
01252 #endif

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