OpenSees Version 2.1:mass density of soil

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OpenSees Version 2.1:mass density of soil

Post by subrata »

I am analyzing soil-pile interaction problem in OpenSees 2.1.0. In this version mass density definition in quad element is excluded. Therefore, I have to define nodal mass using -mass command to consider soil mass during dynamic analysis. However, it is cumbersome to define nodal mass since I have 5000 elements in my model and also sizes of quad elements are varying.

Is there any simple command in OpenSees Version 2.1.0 which can be used to consider soil mass?

Thanks in advance,
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Post by avytin »

the density is defined in the material model definition rather than in the quad. If it is specified in the material then you are ok!
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Post by subrata »

Thanks Avytin. I am using nDmaterial elastic where only modulus of elasticity E and poisson's Ratio have to be specified. In that case what should I do?
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Post by avytin »

you can specify it after the poisson's ratio:

nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic 40000 282400 0.412 1.75

I think it might not be on the manual but if you take a look at the code the option is there.

Good luck!
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Post by aminasareh »


In the pressure dependent and independent material you have $massdens, which is the density of soil.

nDMaterial PressureDependMultiYield 2 2 $massDen $G $B $fangle .1 80 0.5 \
$ptangle 0.17 0.4 10 10 0.015 1.0
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ED Hardy Bikinis

Post by happen165 »

[url=]Ed Hardy Bikinis[/url] 2011 35

Mers don’t want to feel exploited; they just want to feel genuinely accepted (sexually and otherwise) by both gamers and non-gamers alike. I’m not so sure that bikini-clad women bouncing on beach balls while playing Dead Rising, a woman faking an orgasm while also faking a game of Pong,[url=]ED Hardy Bikini[/url], and “booth babe” culture in general are helping us to get closer to that feeling. I think we’d be better off focusing less on models trying to sell us on the idea that they’re gamers,[url=]Billabong Bikini[/url], and focusing more on relating to each other. That said, I don’t claim to have all the answers.
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Post by GooRkant »

I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.
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Re: OpenSees Version 2.1:mass density of soil

Post by larrymaroudis592 »

Hi there, I am new to this thread and I'm still in the process of sinking in my mind the post and details that you shared. I am willing to learn and follow some of the things that I think can help me especially with regards to this topic.
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Re: OpenSees Version 2.1:mass density of soil

Post by andylith »

Whats different between Version 2.1.0 and 2.0.0

The interpreter is now based on Tcl version 8.5 instead of version 8.4. The main advantage this provides to OpenSees users is:
The tcl part of the code is now approx. 10% faster.
New min, max and ** (pow) operators.
New in and ni for checking membership of lists, e.g. if {$item in $list} { ..}
New dictionary data type. These are like tcl arrays (hash tables) but allow s pass by value instead of by reference.
New {*} syntax to avoid abusive use of eval which is often used when you have a list of seperate things that needs to be passed as paramaters.
And many more. see
For users and developers there is a new mechanism for including outside material and element routines. These routines can be written in C++, C or Fortran and can be dynamically linked at runtime through use of .dll's on windows, .dylib on mac and .so on linux. This means people can share new materials and elements without the need to compile and link with OpenSees or w/o having to submit their code to the OpenSees repository. Mechanisms willl be set up to alert users as to what elements and materials are available outside the core interpreter.
New eleResponse command to get information from an element during the analysis. args similar to element recorder. Results returned in a list.
Modified nodeDisp, nodeVel and nodeAccel commands. If no dof specified list returned for all dof values.
New sectionForce eleTag? sectNum? dof? to return a section force.
New eleNodes command to return nodes at an element. (eleNodes eleTag?)
New getEleTags and getNodeTags commands to return in a list all ele and node tags.
New command to set the setElementRayleighDampingFactors to set an individual elements damping factors.
New command searchPeerNGA which returns a list of earthquakes from the Peer NGA database.
Users can obtain acceleration records from PeerNGS using modified TimeSeries command PeerNGAMotion $record $fact -dt dtName? -nPts nPtsName? The number of data points and dt are placed in the variables nPtsName and dtName.
New Py, Tz, and Qz materials for shallow foundations and new command for generating a shallow foundation (thanks to P. Raychowdhury (UCSD)
We continue to work on the reliability parts of the code.
And of course the minor bug fixes and performance enhancements.
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Re: OpenSees Version 2.1:mass density of soil

Post by LSMonline »

Sorry, but I think they are wrong. I can defend the position. Write in the afternoon, we will.
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Re: OpenSees Version 2.1:mass density of soil

Post by tylerehrman598 »

Thank you so much for this fact idea that you've shared with us. I really had a great time.
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Post by emanueletrainini »

subrata wrote:
> Thanks Avytin. I am using nDmaterial elastic where only modulus of
> elasticity E and poisson's Ratio have to be specified. In that case what
> should I do?
> Thanks,
> Subrata

I hope I'm not wrong but I have seen a textbox where you can specify it after the poisson's ratio. Just let me check again. I had the same problem and it drived me crazy.
Emanuele Trainini, architetto :: Brescia
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Re: OpenSees Version 2.1:mass density of soil

Post by waqasomer »

It is rare for me to find something on the cyberspace that’s as entertaining and fascinating as what you’ve got here. Your page is lovely, your graphics are outstanding, and what’s more, you use source that are relevant to what you are talking about. You are certainly one in a million, well done!