Defining HystereticSM material

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Defining HystereticSM material

Post by oscom »

Hi everyone, I've been trying to model some plastic hinges using the new HystereticSM material in OpenSeesPy but I'm making some mistake doing so. I believe there is no documentation yet in the openseespy about the material. The code I'm using is the following:
import openseespy.opensees as op



matTag = 1
#eP #sP

#eN #sN

pinchX = 0.0 #0.0
pinchY = 0.35 #0.35

damage1 = 0.0 #Ductilidad 0.03
damage2 = 0.0 #Energía 0.0

beta = 0.0

#Now, I've tried 2 ways for the material definition

op.uniaxialMaterial('HystereticSM', matTag, '-posEnv', *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, '-negEnv', *n1, *n2, *n3, *n4, '-pinch', pinchX, pinchY, '-damage', damage1, damage2, '-beta', beta)


#op.uniaxialMaterial('HystereticSM', matTag, *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *n1, *n2, *n3, *n4, pinchX, pinchY, damage1, damage2, beta)
The error message I'm getting is always:

numargs0 HystereticSM 22
numOptionalArgs HystereticSM 0
numArgs HystereticSM 22
Want: uniaxialMaterial HystereticSM tag? mom1p? rot1p? mom2p? rot2p? <mom3p? rot3p? mom4p? rot4p? mom5p? rot5p? mom6p? rot6p? mom7p? rot7p?>
mom1n? rot1n? mom2n? rot2n? <mom3n? rot3n? mom4n? rot4n? mom5n? rot5n? mom6n? rot6n? mom7n? rot7n?> pinchX? pinchY? damfc1? damfc2? <beta?>
<-degEnvFactor degEnvFactor?>
<-defoLimitStates lsD1? <lsD2?>...>
<-forceLimitStates lsF1? <lsF2?>...> Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<string>", line 28, in <module>

OpenSeesError: See stderr output

Thank you.
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Re: Defining HystereticSM material

Post by mhscott »

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Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2022 12:55 am

Re: Defining HystereticSM material

Post by oscom »

I've copied the examples shown in the documentation, but for some examples I'm getting the same error message, and for other examples I'm getting the following error: :(

Invalid data for uniaxial HystereticSM 99
Traceback (most recent call last):

Thank you.
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Re: Defining HystereticSM material

Post by mhscott »

Use the latest version, i.e., upgrade openseespy
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Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2022 12:55 am

Re: Defining HystereticSM material

Post by oscom »

Turns out that had some issue with Anaconda that wasn't allowing OpenSees to update correctly. Had to uninstall and install Anaconda. Now it's working fine. Thank you professor.
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