Analyze slope stability using opensees

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Analyze slope stability using opensees

Post by HuanY »

Hello, I use opensees to analyze the stability of the slope, and the model has been established, but the analysis always returns -3, I don't know if it is the reason for the non-convergence. I need to analyze the self-weight reaction of the soil first. Since I'm a beginner, I don't know what's wrong with my code. I hope someone can help me check what's wrong.

model basic -ndm 3 -ndf 4
if { [file exists output01] == 0 } {
file mkdir output01;
source node.tcl
source fix1-1.tcl
source fix2-1.tcl
source fix3-1.tcl
source fix4-1.tcl
nDMaterial PressureIndependMultiYield 1 3 1.3 1.3e+4 6.5e+4 18 0.1
nDMaterial PressureDependMultiYield 2 3 1.5 6.e4 2.4e5 31.4 0.1 80 0.5 26.5 0.1 0.2 5 10 0.015 1.
set rhoF 1.0
set perm 1.e-5
set Bfluid 2.2e6
set gravityX 0
set gravityY [expr -1*9.81]
set gravityZ 0
source element.tcl
updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 0
updateMaterialStage -material 2 -stage 0
recorder Node -file output01/allNodesDisp.out -time -nodeRange 1 3888 -dof 1 2 3 -dT 0.01 disp
recorder Element -eleRange 533 553 -time -file output01/stress1.out -dT 0.01 material 1 stress
recorder Element -eleRange 533 553 -time -file output01/strain1.out -dT 0.01 material 1 strain
recorder Element -eleRange 554 3045 -time -file output01/stress2.out -dT 0.01 material 2 stress
recorder Element -eleRange 554 3045 -time -file output01/strain2.out -dT 0.01 material 2 strain
system BandGeneral
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-12 50 0
constraints Transformation
integrator Newmark 0.5 0.25
algorithm KrylovNewton
numberer RCM
analysis VariableTransient
analyze 5 5.e0
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