Problem with UC Davis u-p-U Soil Element

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Problem with UC Davis u-p-U Soil Element

Post by reza378salami » Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:56 am

Hi all,
I'm trying to use Brick up and upU elemnts, the first one work fine but the last one stop after element command.
I followed the opensees manual page 258. the version i used is 2.3.2 i think maybe it does not support u_p_U elements
or maybe i made a mistake with my code!!!
thank you for your help, i post both codes (u-p & u_p_U)

# u-P elements (this works good)
model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 4
#node coordinates
node 1 0 0 0
node 2 1 0 0
node 3 1 1 0
node 4 0 1 0
node 5 0 0 1
node 6 1 0 1
node 7 1 1 1
node 8 0 1 1

puts "node done..."

#boundary condition
fix 1 1 1 1 0
fix 2 1 1 1 0
fix 3 1 1 1 0
fix 4 1 1 1 0

fix 5 0 1 0 1
fix 6 0 1 0 1
fix 7 0 1 0 1
fix 8 0 1 0 1

equalDOF 5 6 1 3
equalDOF 5 7 1 3
equalDOF 5 8 1 3

puts "fixities done..."

#soil material
set friction 31
set phaseTransform 26
set G1 9.e4
set B1 22.0e4
set rhoS 1.80
set rhoF 1.0
set Bfluid 2.2e6
set perm 1.e-5
set g 9.81
set perm [expr $perm/$g/$rhoF]
set matTag 1

nDMaterial PressureDependMultiYield02 $matTag 3 $rhoS $G1 $B1 $friction 0.1 80 0.5 \
$phaseTransform 0.067 0.23 0.06 0.27
set xWgt 0.0
set yWgt 0.0
set zWgt -$g
set e0 0.77
set porosity [expr $e0/(1.0+$e0)]
set alpha 1.0

puts "material done..."

#soil element
element brickUP 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $matTag $Bfluid $rhoF $perm $perm $perm \
$gravityX $gravityY $gravityZ

puts "element done..."
eval "recorder Node -file Gdisplacement.out -time -nodeRange 1 8 -dof 1 2 3 disp"

#analysis paramenters
set gamma 0.5
set beta 0.25

updateMaterialStage -material $matTag -stage 0

constraints Penalty 1.e14 1.e14
test NormDispIncr 1.e-5 30 1
algorithm Newton
numberer Plain
system SparseGeneral
integrator Newmark $gamma $beta
analysis Transient
analyze 10 5.e0

updateMaterialStage -material $matTag -stage 1

analyze 10 5.e1


# u_p_U element (does not work???!!!)

model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 7

node 1 0 0 0
node 2 1 0 0
node 3 1 1 0
node 4 0 1 0
node 5 0 0 1
node 6 1 0 1
node 7 1 1 1
node 8 0 1 1

puts "node done..."

fix 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
fix 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
fix 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
fix 4 1 1 1 0 1 1 1

fix 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
fix 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
fix 7 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
fix 8 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

equalDOF 5 6 1 3 5 7
equalDOF 5 6 1 3 5 7
equalDOF 5 6 1 3 5 7

puts "fix done..."

#soil material
set friction 31
set G1 9.e4
set B1 22.0e4
set rhoS 1.80
set rhoF 1.0
set Bfluid 2.2e6
set perm 1.e-5
set g 9.81
set perm [expr $perm/$g/$rhoF]
set matTag 1

nDMaterial PressureDependMultiYield02 $matTag 3 $rhoS $G1 $B1 $friction 0.1 \
101 0.5 26 0.067 0.23 0.06 \
0.27 20 5.0 3.0 1.0 \
0.0 0.77 0.9 0.02 0.7 101.0

set xWgt 0.0
set yWgt 0.0
set zWgt -$g
set e0 0.77
set porosity [expr $e0/(1.0+$e0)]
set alpha 1.0

puts "material done..."

element Brick8N_u_p_U 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\
$matTag 0.0 0.0 $zWgt $porosity $alpha \
$rhoS $rhoF \
$perm $perm $perm $Bfluid 0.0

puts "element done..."

#analysis paramenters
set gamma 0.5
set beta 0.25

updateMaterialStage -material $matTag -stage 0

constraints Penalty 1.e14 1.e14
test NormDispIncr 1.e-5 30 1
algorithm Newton
numberer Plain
system SparseGeneral
integrator Newmark $gamma $beta
analysis Transient
analyze 10 5.e0

updateMaterialStage -material $matTag -stage 1

analyze 10 5.e1


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Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:34 am
Location: Oregon State University

Re: Problem with UC Davis u-p-U Soil Element

Post by deepakr » Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:49 pm

I particular dont know about your problem in Brick8N_u_p_U.
Are your sure Brick8N_u_p_U has 7 DOF or it has only 4.
3-translation and 1 for liquid.

I am interested to know 7-dof if it has such.


Thank You
