Tsunami force modelling in MATLAB for a onshore structures

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Tsunami force modelling in MATLAB for a onshore structures

Post by chaudhary »

I am writing the code for tsunami force analysis of onshore buildings considering the buoyancy and hydrodynamic force.
Please suggest to me, how can I model the force in the force calculation?
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Re: Tsunami force modelling in MATLAB for a onshore structures

Post by dariohill »

A series of experiments are made using a unique Pneumatic Long Wave Generator to generate tsunami wave periods of 25–147 s equating to 3–17.3 min at 1:50 Froude scale. The waves propagate over a sloping bathymetry and impinge upon a square structure founded onshore in a flat sediment bed. Flow velocity, height and scour depth are recorded as a function of time during tsunami inundation. The rate of scour is observed to be time dependent. Equilibrium, which is not attained, is argued to be an inappropriate measure for time-dependent transient flows such as tsunami in which the flow velocity, depth and direction are variable. The maximum scour depth is recorded and critically is observed not to be equal to the final depth due to significant sediment slumping when flow velocities reduce in the latter stages of inundation. Current and wave scour predictor equations over predict the scour, while the ASCE 7–16 method under predicts. Comparisons with available data in the literature show longer inundation durations increase the amount of scour. Drift Hunters
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Re: Tsunami force modelling in MATLAB for a onshore structures

Post by caylakling »

When modeling the force for tsunami force analysis of onshore buildings, it's important to consider both buoyancy and hydrodynamic forces. Here are some suggestions on how you can approach modeling these forces: Drift Boss
1. Buoyancy Force:
- Determine the volume of the building that is submerged or partially submerged during the tsunami.
- Calculate the buoyant force using Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the submerged volume.
- Incorporate the buoyant force into your force calculation model by considering the density of the fluid (water) and the volume of the submerged portion of the building.
2. Hydrodynamic Force:
- Model the impact of the tsunami wave on the building by considering the force exerted by the flowing water.
- Take into account the dynamic pressure exerted by the water flow, which depends on the velocity and density of the water.
- Consider the shape, orientation, and area of the building facing the tsunami wave to estimate the hydrodynamic force acting on it.
- You can use mathematical equations or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques to calculate the hydrodynamic force.
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