Elastic-plastic time history analysis error

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Elastic-plastic time history analysis error

Post by lizhihaohe »

I am doing an elastoplastic time history analysis of an 8-story frame. The frequency of the modals calculated by opensees when I perform modal analysis is consistent with the results of other finite element software, but when I perform elastoplastic time history analysis, he can't help. I calculated the result and prompted the error. What is the reason?
This is the error of the opensees prompt
WARNING - ForceBeamColumn3d::update - failed to get compatible element forces & deformations for element: 476(dW: << 2.00526, dW0: 2.00195)
WARNING - ForceBeamColumn3d::update - failed to get compatible element forces & deformations for element: 478(dW: << 3.07442, dW0: 3.06896)
WARNING - ForceBeamColumn3d::update - failed to get compatible element forces & deformations for element: 476(dW: << 2.00526, dW0: 3.38004)
WARNING - ForceBeamColumn3d::update - failed to get compatible element forces & deformations for element: 478(dW: << 3.07442, dW0: 5.18158)
Domain::update - domain failed in update
Newmark::newStep() - failed to update the domain
DirectIntegrationAnalysis::analyze() - the Integrator failed at time 0.14
OpenSees > analyze failed, returned: -2 error flag
invalid command name "Time-controlled"
I am eager to get YOUR HELP, THANK YOU.
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