How to specify location of projection reference point for the Recorder Display?

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How to specify location of projection reference point for the Recorder Display?

Post by jiaweichen »

Hi, I have a model that is bounded in a box far from the origin. As a result, when I tried to display the model using the recorder display command, I got everything in one corner of the window. I wonder if there is a way to center the camera to the model? I tried to adjust the center of the projection reference point using the prp command in the following way:

Code: Select all

recorder display "Displaced shape" 10 10 500 700 -wipe
prp [expr 50000 + $d] [expr 3000. + $d] 100.0; #move the PRP away from the origin
vup  0  1 0;
vpn  0  0 1;
display 1 5 40
, but nothing changes.

I wonder how to center the camera in this case?
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