Convergence problem: Load Controlled Pushover analysis

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Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Jul 06, 2020 1:58 am

Convergence problem: Load Controlled Pushover analysis

Post by vike » Thu Nov 19, 2020 8:19 am


I’m doing a pushover analysis for a Nonlinear concrete frame. The NonlinearBeamColumn elements with 5 integration points are selected. After the gravity analysis, a pushover analysis with load controlled pattern is conducted. I tried many solvers but all of the strategies cannot complete the whole analysis. I examined the model carefully and I think it’s the solver selected resulting in the convergence problem.

The error message is
WARNING - ForceBeamColumn2d::update - failed to get compatible element forces &
deformations for element: 630(dW: << 1.06833)
Domain::update - domain failed in update
LoadControl::update - model failed to update for new dU
WARNING AcceleratedNewton::solveCurrentStep() -the Integrator failed in update()

StaticAnalysis::analyze() - the Algorithm failed at iteration: 63 with domain at
load factor 0.64
OpenSees > analyze failed, returned: -3 error flag
The script is attached as follow,

# BUILD MODEL (2D - 3 DOF/node)
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 3

# Prepare and Create Results Folders
set Path0 Output1119; file mkdir $Path0; #Output Main Folder
set Path1 "CastInPlace"
set Path "$Path0/$Path1"; file mkdir $Path;

set NStory 6;
set NBay 3;
set BayL 6;
set Height1 4.4;
set Height2 3.3;
set cover 0.03

set As_D25 490.87e-6
set As_D22 380.13e-6
set As_D18 254.e-6
set As_D16 201.e-6
set As_D14 154.e-6
set As_D12 113.e-6

set Floor7 [expr $Height1+$Height2*5];
set Floor6 [expr $Height1+$Height2*4];
set Floor5 [expr $Height1+$Height2*3];
set Floor4 [expr $Height1+$Height2*2];
set Floor3 [expr $Height1+$Height2];
set Floor2 $Height1;
set Floor1 0.0;

set Axis1 0.0;
set Axis2 $BayL;
set Axis3 [expr $BayL*2];
set Axis4 [expr $BayL*3];

set Beam_H1 0.6
set Beam_W1 0.3
set Beam_H2 0.5
set Beam_W2 0.25
set Col_H1 0.8
set Col_W1 0.8
set Col_H2 0.7
set Col_W2 0.7

# Name: Node Floor+Axis
node 11 $Axis1 $Floor1;
node 12 $Axis2 $Floor1;
node 13 $Axis3 $Floor1;
node 14 $Axis4 $Floor1;

node 21 $Axis1 $Floor2;
node 22 $Axis2 $Floor2;
node 23 $Axis3 $Floor2;
node 24 $Axis4 $Floor2;

node 31 $Axis1 $Floor3;
node 32 $Axis2 $Floor3;
node 33 $Axis3 $Floor3;
node 34 $Axis4 $Floor3;

node 41 $Axis1 $Floor4;
node 42 $Axis2 $Floor4;
node 43 $Axis3 $Floor4;
node 44 $Axis4 $Floor4;

node 51 $Axis1 $Floor5;
node 52 $Axis2 $Floor5;
node 53 $Axis3 $Floor5;
node 54 $Axis4 $Floor5;

node 61 $Axis1 $Floor6;
node 62 $Axis2 $Floor6;
node 63 $Axis3 $Floor6;
node 64 $Axis4 $Floor6;

node 71 $Axis1 $Floor7;
node 72 $Axis2 $Floor7;
node 73 $Axis3 $Floor7;
node 74 $Axis4 $Floor7;

fix 11 1 1 1;
fix 12 1 1 1;
fix 13 1 1 1 ;
fix 14 1 1 1;

equalDOF 21 22 1;
equalDOF 21 23 1;
equalDOF 21 24 1;

equalDOF 31 32 1;
equalDOF 31 33 1;
equalDOF 31 34 1;

equalDOF 41 42 1;
equalDOF 41 43 1;
equalDOF 41 44 1;

equalDOF 51 52 1;
equalDOF 51 53 1;
equalDOF 51 54 1;

equalDOF 61 62 1;
equalDOF 61 63 1;
equalDOF 61 64 1;

equalDOF 71 72 1;
equalDOF 71 73 1;
equalDOF 71 74 1;

##---- For Beam
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 10 -29.10e3 -0.002 0 -0.004; #Unconfied
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 20 -37.95e3 -0.0021 -28.70e3 -0.011; # Confied

set BFy 378e3;
set BEs 200000.e3;
set BsHratio 0.01;
# uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $matTag $Fy $E $b $R0 $cR1 $cR2 <$a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 $sigInit>
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 30 $BFy $BEs $BsHratio 20 0.925 0.15 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.5; # Longitudinal Steel

##---- For Column
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 40 -29.10e3 -0.002 0 -0.004; #Unconfied
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 50 -37.95e3 -0.0021 -28.70e3 -0.011; # Confied
set CFy 378e3; # Yield Strength of Longitudinal Steel
set CEs 200000.e3; # Elastic Modulus of Longitudinal Steel
set CsHratio 0.002; # Hardening Modulus of Longitudinal Steel
# uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $matTag $Fy $E $b $R0 $cR1 $cR2 <$a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 $sigInit>
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 60 $CFy $CEs $CsHratio 18.5 0.925 0.15 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.5; # Longitudinal Steel
# For beam, Floor 1-3
set a1 [expr $Beam_H1/2.0]
set b1 [expr $Beam_W1/2.0]
set c1 [expr $a1-$cover]
set d1 [expr $b1-$cover]

section Fiber 1 {; #Section Beam at 1-3 floor
# patch rect $matTag $numSubdivY $numSubdivZ $yI $zI $yJ $zJ
# Beam core
patch quad 20 8 8 -$c1 $d1 -$c1 -$d1 $c1 -$d1 $c1 $d1
# Beam cover
patch quad 10 4 1 -$a1 $b1 -$a1 -$b1 -$c1 -$d1 -$c1 $d1
patch quad 10 4 1 $c1 $d1 $c1 -$d1 $a1 -$b1 $a1 $b1
patch quad 10 1 4 -$a1 $b1 -$c1 $d1 $c1 $d1 $a1 $b1
patch quad 10 1 4 -$c1 -$d1 -$a1 -$b1 $a1 -$b1 $c1 -$d1
# layer straight $matTag $numFiber $areaFiber $yStart $zStart $yEnd $zEnd
layer straight 30 4 $As_D25 $c1 $d1 $c1 -$d1
layer straight 30 2 $As_D12 [expr $c1/3] $d1 [expr $c1/3] -$d1
layer straight 30 2 $As_D12 [expr -$c1/3] $d1 [expr -$c1/3] -$d1
layer straight 30 4 $As_D25 -$c1 $d1 -$c1 -$d1

# For beam, Floor 4-6
set a1 [expr $Beam_H2/2.0]
set b1 [expr $Beam_W2/2.0]
set c1 [expr $a1-$cover]
set d1 [expr $b1-$cover]

section Fiber 2 {; #Section Beam at 4-6 floor
# patch rect $matTag $numSubdivY $numSubdivZ $yI $zI $yJ $zJ
# Beam core
patch quad 20 8 8 -$c1 $d1 -$c1 -$d1 $c1 -$d1 $c1 $d1
# Beam cover
patch quad 10 4 1 -$a1 $b1 -$a1 -$b1 -$c1 -$d1 -$c1 $d1
patch quad 10 4 1 $c1 $d1 $c1 -$d1 $a1 -$b1 $a1 $b1
patch quad 10 1 4 -$a1 $b1 -$c1 $d1 $c1 $d1 $a1 $b1
patch quad 10 1 4 -$c1 -$d1 -$a1 -$b1 $a1 -$b1 $c1 -$d1
# layer straight $matTag $numFiber $areaFiber $yStart $zStart $yEnd $zEnd
layer straight 30 3 $As_D22 $c1 $d1 $c1 -$d1
layer straight 30 2 $As_D25 [expr $c1-$cover] $d1 [expr $c1-$cover] -$d1
layer straight 30 2 $As_D12 0 $d1 0 -$d1
layer straight 30 3 $As_D18 -$c1 $d1 -$c1 -$d1

# For column, Floor 1-3

set a2 [expr $Col_H1/2];
set b2 [expr $Col_W1/2]
set c2 [expr $a2-$cover]
set d2 [expr $b2-$cover]

section Fiber 3 {; #Section Col at 1-3 floor
# Column core
patch quad 50 12 12 -$c2 $d2 -$c2 -$d2 $c2 -$d2 $c2 $d2
# Column cover
patch quad 40 12 2 -$a2 $b2 -$a2 -$b2 -$c2 -$d2 -$c2 $d2
patch quad 40 12 2 $c2 $d2 $c2 -$d2 $a2 -$b2 $a2 $b2
patch quad 40 2 12 -$a2 $b2 -$c2 $d2 $c2 $d2 $a2 $b2
patch quad 40 2 12 -$c2 -$d2 -$a2 -$b2 $a2 -$b2 $c2 -$d2
# reinforcing fibers
layer straight 60 4 $As_D25 $c2 $d2 $c2 -$d2
layer straight 60 4 $As_D25 -$c2 $d2 -$c2 -$d2
layer straight 60 2 $As_D25 0 $d2 0 -$d2
layer straight 60 2 $As_D25 [expr $c2/2] $d2 [expr $c2/2] -$d2
layer straight 60 2 $As_D25 [expr -$c2/2] $d2 [expr $c2/2] -$d2

# For column, Floor 4-6

set a2 [expr $Col_H2/2];
set b2 [expr $Col_W2/2]
set c2 [expr $a2-$cover]
set d2 [expr $b2-$cover]

section Fiber 4 {; #Section Col at 1-3 floor
# Column core
patch quad 50 12 12 -$c2 $d2 -$c2 -$d2 $c2 -$d2 $c2 $d2
# Column cover
patch quad 40 12 2 -$a2 $b2 -$a2 -$b2 -$c2 -$d2 -$c2 $d2
patch quad 40 12 2 $c2 $d2 $c2 -$d2 $a2 -$b2 $a2 $b2
patch quad 40 2 12 -$a2 $b2 -$c2 $d2 $c2 $d2 $a2 $b2
patch quad 40 2 12 -$c2 -$d2 -$a2 -$b2 $a2 -$b2 $c2 -$d2
# reinforcing fibers
layer straight 60 4 $As_D25 $c2 $d2 $c2 -$d2
layer straight 60 4 $As_D25 -$c2 $d2 -$c2 -$d2
layer straight 60 2 $As_D25 [expr $c2/3] $d2 [expr $c2/3] -$d2
layer straight 60 2 $As_D25 [expr -$c2/3] $d2 [expr $c2/3] -$d2

# For Beam
set nP 5;
geomTransf Linear 1;

# element nonlinearBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag <-mass $massDens> <-iter $maxIters $tol> <-integration $intType>
# Beam element tag: Floor+BayNum+0
element nonlinearBeamColumn 210 21 22 $nP 1 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 220 22 23 $nP 1 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 230 23 24 $nP 1 1;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 310 31 32 $nP 1 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 320 32 33 $nP 1 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 330 33 34 $nP 1 1;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 410 41 42 $nP 1 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 420 42 43 $nP 1 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 430 43 44 $nP 1 1;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 510 51 52 $nP 2 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 520 52 53 $nP 2 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 530 53 54 $nP 2 1;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 610 61 62 $nP 2 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 620 62 63 $nP 2 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 630 63 64 $nP 2 1;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 710 71 72 $nP 2 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 720 72 73 $nP 2 1;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 730 73 74 $nP 2 1;

# For Column
set nP 5;
#geomTransf PDelta 2;
geomTransf Linear 2;

# Col element tag: Floor+Axis+1

element nonlinearBeamColumn 211 11 21 $nP 3 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 221 12 22 $nP 3 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 231 13 23 $nP 3 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 241 14 24 $nP 3 2;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 311 21 31 $nP 3 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 321 22 32 $nP 3 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 331 23 33 $nP 3 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 341 24 34 $nP 3 2;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 411 31 41 $nP 3 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 421 32 42 $nP 3 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 431 33 43 $nP 3 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 441 34 44 $nP 3 2;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 511 41 51 $nP 4 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 521 42 52 $nP 4 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 531 43 53 $nP 4 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 541 44 54 $nP 4 2;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 611 51 61 $nP 4 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 621 52 62 $nP 4 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 631 53 63 $nP 4 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 641 54 64 $nP 4 2;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 711 61 71 $nP 4 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 721 62 72 $nP 4 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 731 63 73 $nP 4 2;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 741 64 74 $nP 4 2;

# Define Joint Element

# Time
recorder Node -file $Path/Time.out -time -node 11 -dof 1 disp;

# Story Drift
recorder Drift -file $Path/IDR_RC_F2.out -iNode 21 -jNode 11 -dof 1 -perpDirn 2;
recorder Drift -file $Path/IDR_RC_F3.out -iNode 31 -jNode 21 -dof 1 -perpDirn 2;
recorder Drift -file $Path/IDR_RC_F4.out -iNode 41 -jNode 31 -dof 1 -perpDirn 2;
recorder Drift -file $Path/IDR_RC_F5.out -iNode 51 -jNode 41 -dof 1 -perpDirn 2;
recorder Drift -file $Path/IDR_RC_F6.out -iNode 61 -jNode 51 -dof 1 -perpDirn 2;
recorder Drift -file $Path/IDR_RC_F7.out -iNode 71 -jNode 61 -dof 1 -perpDirn 2;
set g 9.8; #unit: kN/ton

mass 11 3.8 1e-9 1e-9
mass 12 3.8 1e-9 1e-9
mass 13 3.8 1e-9 1e-9
mass 14 3.8 1e-9 1e-9

mass 21 20.214 1e-9 1e-9
mass 22 34.143 1e-9 1e-9
mass 23 34.143 1e-9 1e-9
mass 24 20.214 1e-9 1e-9

mass 31 18.685 1e-9 1e-9
mass 32 32.613 1e-9 1e-9
mass 33 32.613 1e-9 1e-9
mass 34 18.685 1e-9 1e-9

mass 41 18.685 1e-9 1e-9
mass 42 32.613 1e-9 1e-9
mass 43 32.613 1e-9 1e-9
mass 44 18.685 1e-9 1e-9

mass 51 17.632 1e-9 1e-9
mass 52 31.140 1e-9 1e-9
mass 53 31.140 1e-9 1e-9
mass 54 17.632 1e-9 1e-9

mass 61 17.632 1e-9 1e-9
mass 62 31.140 1e-9 1e-9
mass 63 31.140 1e-9 1e-9
mass 64 17.632 1e-9 1e-9

mass 71 17.866 1e-9 1e-9
mass 72 33.670 1e-9 1e-9
mass 73 33.670 1e-9 1e-9
mass 74 17.866 1e-9 1e-9

set pi [expr 2.0*asin(1.0)];
set nEigen 3;
set lambdaN [eigen [expr $nEigen]];
set lambda1 [lindex $lambdaN 0];
set lambda2 [lindex $lambdaN 1];
set lambda3 [lindex $lambdaN 2];
set w1 [expr pow($lambda1,0.5)];
set w2 [expr pow($lambda2,0.5)];
set w3 [expr pow($lambda3,0.5)];
set T1 [expr 2.0*$pi/$w1];
set T2 [expr 2.0*$pi/$w2];
set T3 [expr 2.0*$pi/$w3];
puts "T1 = $T1 s";
puts "T2 = $T2 s";
puts "T3 = $T3 s";

set Period_file "$Path/Periods.txt"
set Periods [open $Period_file "a+"]
puts $Periods "T1 = $T1 s";
puts $Periods "T2 = $T2 s";
puts $Periods "T3 = $T3 s";
close $Periods

set QFLine1 45.5; #Unit: kN/m, Beam Uniform loads at 1-3 Floors
set QFLine2 44.125; #Unit: kN/m Beam Uniform loads at 4-5 Floors
set QRLine 51.625; #Unit: kN/m Beam Uniform loads at ROOF Floors

set QCol1 16; #Unit: kN/m Col Uniform loads at 1 Floor
set QCol2 16; #Unit: kN/m Col Uniform loads at 2-3 Floors
set QColR 12.25; #Unit: kN/m Col Uniform loads at 4-6 Floors

pattern Plain 1 Linear {

# Beam Uniform loads
eleLoad -ele 210 220 230 -type -beamUniform -$QFLine1 0;
eleLoad -ele 310 320 330 -type -beamUniform -$QFLine1 0;
eleLoad -ele 410 420 430 -type -beamUniform -$QFLine1 0;
eleLoad -ele 510 520 530 -type -beamUniform -$QFLine2 0;
eleLoad -ele 610 620 630 -type -beamUniform -$QFLine2 0;
eleLoad -ele 710 720 730 -type -beamUniform -$QRLine 0;

# Col Concentrated loads
#eleLoad -ele 211 221 231 241 -type -beamUniform 0 -$QCol1;
#eleLoad -ele 311 321 331 341 -type -beamUniform 0 -$QCol2;
#eleLoad -ele 411 421 431 441 -type -beamUniform 0 -$QCol2;
#eleLoad -ele 511 521 531 541 -type -beamUniform 0 -$QColR;
#eleLoad -ele 611 621 631 641 -type -beamUniform 0 -$QColR;
#eleLoad -ele 711 721 731 741 -type -beamUniform 0 -$QColR;


system BandGeneral;
constraints Penalty 1e15 1e15;
integrator LoadControl 0.1;
test NormDispIncr 1e-5 10;
algorithm Newton;
numberer RCM;
analysis Static;
analyze 10;


loadConst -time 0.0

pattern Plain 2 Linear {
load 21 161.96 0 0
load 31 267.480 0 0
load 41 382.122 0 0
load 51 472.3 0 0
load 61 581.301 0 0
load 71 729.396 0 0

system BandGeneral
#constraints Penalty 1.0e16 1.0e16
constraints Transformation

test NormDispIncr 1.0e-3 2000
#test NormUnbalance 1.0e-6 400
#test EnergyIncr 1.e-5 20 0

algorithm KrylovNewton
#algorithm Newton -initial

numberer RCM
integrator LoadControl 0.01;
analysis Static
analyze 100;

Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2021 6:25 pm

Re: Convergence problem: Load Controlled Pushover analysis

Post by yuqi » Sat Dec 25, 2021 5:05 am

hi,have you solve your problrm?
I had the same problem with you .
If you solved ,could you help me ? ^-^

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