geomTransf command,how to consider rigid panel length?

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geomTransf command,how to consider rigid panel length?

Post by cnman » Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:57 pm

The Joint is:
# 5 N0 +
# | <== P |
# | lenCol
# | (2) |
# (3) | (4) |
# 2----------3-----------4 +
# | | | |
# - | - lenCol
# |(1) |
# | |
# 1 +
# +
# +-lenBeam--+--lenBeam--+

I will simulate a middle joint of beam and columns.If joint offset value are not considered ,the geomTransf command and element command are following:

geomTransf PDelta $IDcolTrans;
geomTransf PDelta $IDbeamTrans;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1 1 3 $npCol $secIDCol $IDcolTrans
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2 3 5 $npCol $secIDCol $IDcolTrans
# Define Beam Elements
element nonlinearBeamColumn 3 2 3 $npBeam $secIDBeam $IDbeamTrans
element nonlinearBeamColumn 4 3 4 $npBeam $secIDBeam $IDbeamTrans

If the rigid length of joint panel are considered, how to describe them?
My script about this run a wrong.

set dYCol1 [expr 80.0*$mm]; # joint rigid panel length of column
set dXBeam [expr 200.0*$mm]; # joint rigid panel length of beam left end
set IDcolTrans1 1; # associate a tag to column 1 transformation
set IDcolTrans2 1; # associate a tag to column 2 transformation
set IDbeamTrans1 2; # associate a tag to beam 1 transformation
set IDbeamTrans2 2; # associate a tag to beam 2 transformation
geomTransf PDelta $IDcolTrans1 -jntOffset 0 0 0 $dYCol1;
geomTransf PDelta $IDcolTrans2 -jntOffset 0 $dYCol1 0 0;
geomTransf PDelta $IDbeamTrans1 -jntOffset 0 0 0 $dXBeam;
geomTransf PDelta $IDbeamTrans2 -jntOffset $dXBeam 0 0 0;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 1 1 3 $npCol $secIDCol $IDcolTrans1
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2 3 5 $npCol $secIDCol $IDcolTrans2
element nonlinearBeamColumn 3 2 3 $npBeam $secIDBeam $IDbeamTrans1
element nonlinearBeamColumn 4 3 4 $npBeam $secIDBeam $IDbeamTrans2

The wrong is $IDcolTrans1 same as $IDcolTrans2. But the column1 and column2 have different offset value. How to modify?


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