adding new elements during analysis

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Post by fmk » Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:55 pm

yes .. just add the element.

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Post by fmk » Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:16 pm

It is the equaldof command.. Use an element with elastic properties.

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Re: adding new elements during analysis

Post by AnggaSetiawan » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:43 am

Dear FMK

I make model with adding twojointlink element after first analysis, but the second analysis not convergence
here the part of my script;

recorder Element -file sts_stnBar_1.out -ele 1 section 1 fiber [expr -$BCol/2+32] 0 500 stressStrain;
recorder Element -file sts_stnBar_4.out -ele 4 section 2 fiber [expr -$BCol/2+32] 0 $IDMatRebar stressStrain;
recorder Element -file sts_stnBar_8.out -ele 8 section 4 fiber [expr -$BCol/2+32] 0 500 stressStrain;

#1st analysis
loadConst -time 0.0
recorder display "Deformed shape" 1 100 500 500 -wipe
prp 10000. 50. 10;
vup 0 1 0;
vpn 0 0 1;
display 100 5 40

recorder plot P_D "P_D.dat" 40 40 500 500 -columns 3 4 -wipe
display 2 5 100
recorder plot sts_stnBar_1.out " 1_sts_stnBar_L" 40 40 500 500 -columns 1 2 -wipe
display 3 5 40
# create horizontal load at node 50 in 1 unit load value
pattern Plain 2 Linear {load 50 1.0 0.0 0.0}

constraints Penalty 1e18 1e18
numberer RCM
system BandGeneral
test EnergyIncr 1.0e-6 100 1
algorithm Newton

# create recoder for load and displacement value at node 50
set P_D [open P_D.dat w ];# Make ouput file for P_D --> Force Displacement output
set ForceOut [open ForceOut.dat w ] ; #Make ouput file for ForceOut--> Force output
set DispOut [open DispOut.dat w ] ; #Make ouput file for DispOut--> Force displacement

# foreach numIter {20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 300 200 150 100 75 50 35 20 15 8 5 2} dU {1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1} { ;# for static cyclic
foreach numIter {200 200 } dU {1e-1 -1e-1} { ;# for static cyclic
integrator DisplacementControl 50 1 $dU
analysis Static
for {set i 1} {$i < $numIter} {incr i 1} {
analyze 1
set factor [getTime]
set disp [nodeDisp 50 1]
puts $P_D "$disp $factor"
puts $ForceOut "$factor"
puts $DispOut "$disp"
close $P_D
close $ForceOut
close $DispOut

#2nd analysis

loadConst -time 0.0
element twoNodeLink 701 23 2 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 702 24 3 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 703 25 4 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 704 26 5 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 705 27 6 -mat 11 -dir 2

element twoNodeLink 711 23 44 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 712 24 45 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 713 25 46 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 714 26 47 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 715 27 48 -mat 11 -dir 2

recorder display "Deformed shape2" 30 100 500 500 -wipe
prp 10000. 50. 10;
vup 0 1 0;
vpn 0 0 1;
display 100 5 40

recorder plot P_D2 "P_D2.dat" 40 40 500 500 -columns 3 4 -wipe
display 40 5 100

# create horizontal load at node 50 in 1 unit load value
pattern Plain 12 Linear {load 50 1.0 0.0 0.0}

constraints Penalty 1e18 1e18
numberer RCM
system BandGeneral
test EnergyIncr 1.0e-4 100 1
algorithm Newton

# create recoder for load and displacement value at node 50
set P_D2 [open P_D2.dat w ];# Make ouput file for P_D --> Force Displacement output
set ForceOut2 [open ForceOut2.dat w ] ; #Make ouput file for ForceOut--> Force output
set DispOut2 [open DispOut2.dat w ] ; #Make ouput file for DispOut--> Force displacement
# foreach numIter {20 20} dU {0.1 -0.1} { ;# for static single direction
foreach numIter {20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 300 200 150 100 75 50 35 20 15 5} dU {1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1} { ;# for static cyclic
integrator DisplacementControl 50 1 $dU
analysis Static
for {set i 1} {$i < $numIter} {incr i 1} {
analyze 1
set factor [getTime]
set disp2 [nodeDisp 50 1]
puts $P_D2 "$disp2 $factor"
puts $ForceOut2 "$factor"
puts $DispOut2 "$disp2"
close $P_D2
close $ForceOut2
close $DispOut2

Would you like to help me to find the solution....

Thank you

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