Modeling Approach for Girder-to-Girder and Girder-to-Parapet connection details

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Modeling Approach for Girder-to-Girder and Girder-to-Parapet connection details

Post by burakdur »

Hello All,

I do have a problem with choosing proper element and modeling approach in a bridge model where I connect the girders to each other and to a parapet.

think about that a single-span bridge has two parapets on each side and girders needs to be connected to each other and side girders should be connected to the parapet considering that they're anchored well by rebars based on the plan drawing.

I attached a basic illustration here ... lgenerator

1. For parapet-to-side girder connection. which element path should be followed if you look at the illustration? Then, a rigidLink seems to be the element to connect them each other, right? In case of using rigidLink, I do not think that I need to define additional constraints between the nodes.

2. For the girder-to-girder connection, the problem is that it's not certain that if there is a fully force transfer mechanism or not between the girders, details are not really known except this detail which is the connection; ... lgenerator. There is no a real/clear spacing between the girders in the field. Thus, as an initial assumption, it's assumed to have a shear link, should it be modeled by twoNodeLink or multipleShearSpring? I'd like to be able to decrease or increase the stiffness of this member in order to see the effect of force transfer between the girders. I need to figure out the effect of this detailing, but not sure exactly how to model this.

I'd be happy for any help you could provide, thank you!
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