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Permission denied accessing OpenSeesMP on Stampede

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:54 pm
by Joesh
I have been running some analyses using Stampede for a while now successfully, with the following bash script:

#SBATCH -A Account
#SBATCH -o Name.o%j
#SBATCH -n Number
#SBATCH -p normal
#SBATCH -t Time
#SBATCH --mail-user=email
#SBATCH --mail-type=begin
#SBATCH --mail-type=end

module load petsc/3.6

ibrun -np 30 /home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP FileName.tcl

However today I just tried to run an analyses and I received the following error message output:

TACC: Setting up parallel environment for MVAPICH2+mpispawn.
TACC: Starting parallel tasks...
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 0, pid: 5638) exited with status 1
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][spawn_processes] Failed to execvp() '/home1/00477/tg457427/bin/OpenSeesMP': Permission denied (13)
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 1, pid: 5639) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 2, pid: 5640) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 3, pid: 5641) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 4, pid: 5642) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 5, pid: 5643) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 6, pid: 5644) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 7, pid: 5645) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 8, pid: 5646) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 9, pid: 5647) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 10, pid: 5648) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 11, pid: 5649) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 12, pid: 5650) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 13, pid: 5651) exited with status 1
[][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 14, pid: 5652) exited with status 1
Timeout during client startup.
read: Connection reset by peer
Error writing receiving environ!
TACC: MPI job exited with code: 1

Just as a sanity check I tried to manually open OpenSeesMP by changing my directory to /home1/00477/tg457427/bin/ and typing OpenSeesMP to start the program and I was not able to do so. "Permission Denied". Any ideas as to why it is not working anymore?

Re: Permission denied accessing OpenSeesMP on Stampede

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:53 am
by fmk
sorry i recently updated the 2 exe and forgot to set thee file permissions to allow others to rx the binaries .. should be fixed now

Re: Permission denied accessing OpenSeesMP on Stampede

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:57 am
by Joesh
It's working now - thanks Frank!

Re: Permission denied accessing OpenSeesMP on Stampede

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:06 am
by fmk
i have had to update the .exe again and build using petsc/3.5 instead of the current version of petsc .. the exe with the current version are failing for very large models.

so module load petsc/3.5 is needed in the pbs scripts
