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follow up on my improptu talk

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:09 pm
by Boris
Hello All,

just a brief follow up on my impromptu talk on Friday:
PDF file for that talk is available here: ... ations.pdf
as #54 (I have used an old talk from last year at CompDyn...).

Of possible interest is also a full report describing Plastic Domain Decomposition method available here: ... eports.pdf
as #24. There are number of papers describing PDD curently in review or about to be submitted for publication. You can get them from my web site too (as soon as I have time to link them or as they get published).

There was also a question about DRM, it is a method developed by Prof. Bielak, described in his papers:

author = { Jacobo Bielak and
Kostas Loukakis and
Yoshaiki Hisada and
Chaiki Yoshimura },
title = { Domain Reduction Method for Three--Dimensional Earthquake
Modeling in Localized Regions. Part {I}: Theory },
journal = { Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America },
year = { 2003 },
volume = { 93 },
number = { 2 },
pages = { 817-824 },
month = { },
note = { },
napomena = { local eCM934 ; 20Sept2001 },

author = { Chaiki Yoshimura and
Jacobo Bielak and
Yoshaiki Hisada },
title = { Domain Reduction Method for Three--Dimensional Earthquake
Modeling in Localized Regions. Part {II}: Verif\/ication and Examples },
journal = { Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America },
year = { 2003 },
volume = { 93 },
number = { 2 },
pages = { 825-840 },
month = { },
note = { },
napomena = { local eCM935 ; 20Sept2001 },

There is also a section with some additional comments on that method in #18 (section 8.3) in: ... eports.pdf

regards, Boris