The best model for a reinforced concrete plate?

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The best model for a reinforced concrete plate?

Post by BIal » Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:06 pm

What is the best way of modelling a reinforced concrete plate in OpenSees?
I have tested many alternatives, but I am not satisfied with the results. The one that seems to be closer to the experimental results, consists of the following sequence of commands:

nDMaterial PlaneStressUserMaterial ....
nDMaterial PlateFromPlaneStress .... (this requires an out of plane shear modulus which I am not sure how to take)...
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 ....
nDMaterial PlateRebar ....
section LayeredShell .....

and then:
element ShellMITC (or almost equally successful: ShellNLDKGQ ...).

The response seems almost twice as stiff compared to the laboratory results. I have checked geometry and materials, so the problem should not be there.

In this model, I am not sure how to take the out of plane shear modulus, which seems to have some influence on the convergence and the accuracy of results. Any suggestion related to it would be greatly appreciated.

What is your experience with modelling RC plates in OpenSees? What do you think about the sequence of commands above?

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