Analyis using CUSP solver

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Analyis using CUSP solver

Post by OmerOdabasi » Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:11 am

I am aware that this topic was posted a couple times in the past but I could not find any clarification/solution to this issue.

I am trying to use CUSP solver after following the steps explained in OpenSees wiki page. However the only different action that I took was that I installed CUDA v9 instead of 5.5. This is simply because when I tried to install CUDA toolkit v5.5 it just says that my system is not compatible even though I have CUDA supported hardware (NVIDIA GTX 1060). I'm guessing it's because my OS is Windows 10 and CUDA v5.5 is meant for W8.1 as the latest supported Windows OS. I don't run into this problem with v9. In the end, I'm getting the following error: "Function load error: Version of .dll may be incorrect".

Long story short, my question is whether we absolutely need CUDA Toolkit v5.5 (which apparently only works for W10?) or is there a way to make it work using more recent CUDA versions?

Many thanks in advance!
PhD. Candidate
Earthquake Engineering
ROSE School - IUSS Pavia

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