Can someone help me

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Can someone help me

Post by analyze » Sun Oct 15, 2017 12:03 am

Dear all
I'm doing simulation of beam-and-column joint,when I change the axial pressure ratio, reinforcement ratio and other parameters, the load displacement curve of the positive bearing capacity increases, the reverse bearing capacity of the absolute reduction.
This is my command flow.Need help, thank you in advance.

# Written: N.Mitra
# Description: 4 noded 12 dof element having 12 springs and a shear panel
# Date: Feb 16 2003
## Model consisting of a crucifix with beams and columns and a joint
## File Name: PR1.tcl
# refer to Beam-Column-Joint Element.doc for full explanation of the parameters
#create the ModelBuilder object


model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3
## unit name ---- PR1
set fName "PR1";
source procMKPC.tcl
source procUniaxialPinching.tcl
# all dimensions are in here as MPa (conversion factors are required in certain places)
set Strfactor 145; set Lenfactor [expr 1/25.4];
## Y taken as the inplane dim. against which the bending takes place
set colY 300; set colZ 300;
set bmY 350; set bmZ 250;
# covers
set colCov 25; set bmCov1 25; set bmCov2 25; set bmCov $bmCov1;
# y,z,x dimension of the joint respectively
set JointWidth [expr $colY]; set JointHeight [expr $bmY]; set JointDepth $colZ ;
set BeamLengthIn 500; set BeamLengthOut 1000; set ColumnLengthClear 780;
set JointVolume [expr $JointWidth*$JointHeight*$JointDepth];
################# material properties of column section ############################################################
set CUnconfFc -97.818; set CUnconfEc -0.0045;
set CTSspace 65; set CTSlength 1500; set CTSFy 360; set CTSarea 78.3;
set CFy 600; set CEs 195000.0; set CsHratio 0.004216; set CAs 380.1;
procMKPC $CUnconfFc $CUnconfEc $colY $colZ $colCov $CTSspace $CTSlength $CTSFy $CTSarea $Strfactor $Lenfactor
set CUnconfFc [lindex $concreteProp 0]; set CUnconfEc [lindex $concreteProp 1]

set CUnconfFcu [lindex $concreteProp 2]; set CUnconfEcu [lindex $concreteProp 3];

set CConfFc [lindex $concreteProp 4]; set CConfEc [lindex $concreteProp 5];

set CConfFcu [lindex $concreteProp 6]; set CConfEcu [lindex $concreteProp 7];
########################### material properties of beam section #####################################################
set BUnconfFc -97.818; set BUnconfEc -0.0045;
set BTSspace 71.43; set BTSlength 1140; set BTSFy 360; set BTSarea 78.3;
set BFy 600; set BEs 195000.0; set BAs 380.1; set BsHratio 0.004216;
procMKPC $BUnconfFc $BUnconfEc $bmY $bmZ $bmCov $BTSspace $BTSlength $BTSFy $BTSarea $Strfactor $Lenfactor
set BUnconfFc [lindex $concreteProp 0]; set BUnconfEc [lindex $concreteProp 1]

set BUnconfFcu [lindex $concreteProp 2]; set BUnconfEcu [lindex $concreteProp 3];

set BConfFc [lindex $concreteProp 4]; set BConfEc [lindex $concreteProp 5];

set BConfFcu [lindex $concreteProp 6]; set BConfEcu [lindex $concreteProp 7];
######################### details for the material models of bar slip of the beam ####################################
set bs_fc [expr -$BUnconfFc]; set bs_fs $BFy; set bs_es $BEs; set bs_fsu 800; set bs_dbar 22; set bs_esh [expr $BsHratio*$BEs];
set bs_wid $colZ; set bs_dep $bmY;
set bsT_nbars 3; set bsB_nbars 3;
set bs_ljoint $colY;
###############details for the material models of bar slip of the column ##################################
set cs_fc [expr -$CUnconfFc]; set cs_fs $CFy; set cs_es $CEs; set cs_fsu 800; set cs_dbar 22; set cs_esh [expr $CsHratio*$CEs];
set cs_wid $colZ; set cs_dep $colY;
set cs_nbars 4;
set cs_ljoint $bmY;
############### add nodes - command: node nodeId xCrd yCrd #######################################################
node 1 0.0 0.0
node 2 0.0 $ColumnLengthClear
node 3 [expr -$BeamLengthOut-$BeamLengthIn-$JointWidth/2] [expr $ColumnLengthClear+$JointHeight/2]
node 4 [expr -$BeamLengthIn-$JointWidth/2] [expr $ColumnLengthClear+$JointHeight/2]
node 5 [expr -$JointWidth/2] [expr $ColumnLengthClear+$JointHeight/2]
node 6 [expr $JointWidth/2] [expr $ColumnLengthClear+$JointHeight/2]
node 7 [expr $BeamLengthIn+$JointWidth/2] [expr $ColumnLengthClear+$JointHeight/2]
node 8 [expr $BeamLengthOut+$BeamLengthIn+$JointWidth/2] [expr $ColumnLengthClear+$JointHeight/2]
node 9 0.0 [expr $ColumnLengthClear+$JointHeight]
node 10 0.0 [expr 2*$ColumnLengthClear+$JointHeight]
# add material Properties - command: uniaxialMaterial matType matTag ...
#command: uniaxialMaterial Elastic tag? E?
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 1 30000000000.0
############## inelastic beam column elements
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 10 $BUnconfFc $BUnconfEc $BUnconfFcu $BUnconfEcu
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 20 $BConfFc $BConfEc $BConfFcu $BConfEcu
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 30 $BFy $BEs $BsHratio 18.5 0.925 0.15
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 40 $CUnconfFc $CUnconfEc $CUnconfFcu $CUnconfEcu
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 50 $CConfFc $CConfEc $CConfFcu $CConfEcu
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 60 $CFy $CEs $CsHratio 18.5 0.925 0.15
########### for columns ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
set z [expr $colZ/2.0]; set y [expr $colY/2.0];
section Fiber 1 {
patch rect 50 8 2 [expr $colCov-$y] [expr $colCov-$z] [expr $y-$colCov] [expr $z-$colCov]
patch rect 40 6 2 [expr -$y] [expr $colCov-$z] [expr $colCov-$y] [expr $z-$colCov]
patch rect 40 6 2 [expr $y-$colCov] [expr $colCov-$z] [expr $y] [expr $z-$colCov]
patch rect 40 8 2 [expr -$y] [expr -$z] [expr $y] [expr $colCov-$z]
patch rect 40 8 2 [expr -$y] [expr $z-$colCov] [expr $y] [expr $z]
layer straight 60 2 $CAs [expr $y-$colCov] [expr $colCov-$z] [expr $y-$colCov] [expr $z-$colCov]
layer straight 60 2 314.2 [expr $y-$colCov] -41.7 [expr $y-$colCov] 41.6
layer straight 60 2 $CAs [expr $colCov-$y] [expr $colCov-$z] [expr $colCov-$y] [expr $z-$colCov]
layer straight 60 2 314.2 [expr $colCov-$y] -41.7 [expr $colCov-$y] 41.6

#################### for beams ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
set z [expr $bmZ/2.0]; set y [expr $bmY/2.0];
section Fiber 2 {
patch rect 20 8 2 [expr $bmCov1-$y] [expr $bmCov1-$z] [expr $y-$bmCov1] [expr $z-$bmCov1]
patch rect 10 6 2 [expr -$y] [expr $bmCov1-$z] [expr $bmCov1-$y] [expr $z-$bmCov1]
patch rect 10 6 2 [expr $y-$bmCov1] [expr $bmCov1-$z] [expr $y] [expr $z-$bmCov1]
patch rect 10 8 2 [expr -$y] [expr -$z] [expr $y] [expr $bmCov1-$z]
patch rect 10 8 2 [expr -$y] [expr $z-$bmCov1] [expr $y] [expr $z]
layer straight 30 2 $BAs [expr $y-$bmCov1] [expr $bmCov1-$z] [expr $y-$bmCov1] [expr $z - $bmCov1]
layer straight 30 2 314.2 0.0 [expr $bmCov1-$z] 0.0 [expr $z - $bmCov1]
layer straight 30 2 $BAs [expr $bmCov1-$y] [expr $bmCov1-$z] [expr $bmCov1-$y] [expr $z - $bmCov1]


## add geometric transformation -command: geomTransf transfType ...
## geomTransf Linear tag?
geomTransf Linear 1
geomTransf Linear 2
element dispBeamColumn 1 1 2 5 1 1
element dispBeamColumn 2 9 10 5 1 1
element dispBeamColumn 3 3 4 5 2 2
element dispBeamColumn 4 4 5 5 2 2
element dispBeamColumn 5 6 7 5 2 2
element dispBeamColumn 6 7 8 5 2 2
## end element formation as well as material defination for beams and columns ######################
# for beam bottom
set matID1 21
set matID2 22
set matID9 23
uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID1 $bs_fc $bs_fs $bs_es $bs_fsu $bs_esh $bs_dbar $bs_ljoint $bsB_nbars $bs_wid $bs_dep strong beamBot
uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID2 $bs_fc $bs_fs $bs_es $bs_fsu $bs_esh $bs_dbar $bs_ljoint $bsB_nbars $bs_wid $bs_dep strong beamBot
uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID9 $bs_fc $bs_fs $bs_es $bs_fsu $bs_esh $bs_dbar $bs_ljoint $bsB_nbars $bs_wid $bs_dep strong beamBot
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% equivalent statement can be made in other way
#uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID1 $bs_fc $bs_fs $bs_es $bs_fsu $bs_esh $bs_dbar $bs_ljoint $bsB_nbars $bs_wid $bs_dep 1.0 strong beamBot damage
#uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID2 $bs_fc $bs_fs $bs_es $bs_fsu $bs_esh $bs_dbar $bs_ljoint $bsB_nbars $bs_wid $bs_dep 1.0 strong beamBot damage
# for beam top
set matID3 31
set matID4 32
set matID10 33
uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID3 $bs_fc $bs_fs $bs_es $bs_fsu $bs_esh $bs_dbar $bs_ljoint $bsT_nbars $bs_wid $bs_dep strong beamTop
uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID4 $bs_fc $bs_fs $bs_es $bs_fsu $bs_esh $bs_dbar $bs_ljoint $bsT_nbars $bs_wid $bs_dep strong beamTop
uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID10 $bs_fc $bs_fs $bs_es $bs_fsu $bs_esh $bs_dbar $bs_ljoint $bsT_nbars $bs_wid $bs_dep strong beamTop
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% equivalent statement can be made in other way
#uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID3 $bs_fc $bs_fs $bs_es $bs_fsu $bs_esh $bs_dbar $bs_ljoint $bsT_nbars $bs_wid $bs_dep 1.0 strong beamTop damage
#uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID4 $bs_fc $bs_fs $bs_es $bs_fsu $bs_esh $bs_dbar $bs_ljoint $bsT_nbars $bs_wid $bs_dep 1.0 strong beamTop damage
# for columns
set matID5 41
set matID6 42
set matID7 43
set matID8 44

uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID5 $cs_fc $cs_fs $cs_es $cs_fsu $cs_esh $cs_dbar $cs_ljoint $cs_nbars $cs_wid $cs_dep strong column
uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID6 $cs_fc $cs_fs $cs_es $cs_fsu $cs_esh $cs_dbar $cs_ljoint $cs_nbars $cs_wid $cs_dep strong column
uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID7 $cs_fc $cs_fs $cs_es $cs_fsu $cs_esh $cs_dbar $cs_ljoint $cs_nbars $cs_wid $cs_dep strong column
uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID8 $cs_fc $cs_fs $cs_es $cs_fsu $cs_esh $cs_dbar $cs_ljoint $cs_nbars $cs_wid $cs_dep strong column

## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% equivalent statement can be made in other way
#uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID5 $cs_fc $cs_fs $cs_es $cs_fsu $cs_esh $cs_dbar $cs_ljoint $cs_nbars $cs_wid $cs_dep 1.0 strong column damage
#uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID6 $cs_fc $cs_fs $cs_es $cs_fsu $cs_esh $cs_dbar $cs_ljoint $cs_nbars $cs_wid $cs_dep 1.0 strong column damage
#uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID7 $cs_fc $cs_fs $cs_es $cs_fsu $cs_esh $cs_dbar $cs_ljoint $cs_nbars $cs_wid $cs_dep 1.0 strong column damage
#uniaxialMaterial BarSlip $matID8 $cs_fc $cs_fs $cs_es $cs_fsu $cs_esh $cs_dbar $cs_ljoint $cs_nbars $cs_wid $cs_dep 1.0 strong column damage
#################### end material formation for bar slip ########################################################
############################ material for shear panel #############################################################
## Positive/Negative envelope Stress
set p1 3.68; set p2 8.341; set p3 10.117; set p4 7.656;
## stress1 stress2 stress3 stress4
set pEnvStrsp [list [expr $p1*$JointVolume] [expr $p2*$JointVolume] [expr $p3*$JointVolume] [expr $p4*$JointVolume]]
set nEnvStrsp [list [expr -$p1*$JointVolume] [expr -$p2*$JointVolume] [expr -$p3*$JointVolume] [expr -$p4*$JointVolume]]
## Positive/Negative envelope Strain
## strain1 strain2 strain3 strain4
set pEnvStnsp [list 0.00736 0.02090 0.06926 0.06929]
set nEnvStnsp [list -0.00736 -0.02090 -0.06926 -0.06929]
## Ratio of maximum deformation at which reloading begins
## Pos_env. Neg_env.
set rDispsp [list 0.20 0.20]
## Ratio of envelope force (corresponding to maximum deformation) at which reloading begins
### Pos_env. Neg_env.
set rForcesp [list 0.30 0.30]
## Ratio of monotonic strength developed upon unloading
### Pos_env. Neg_env.
set uForcesp [list -0.10 -0.10]
## Coefficients for Unloading Stiffness degradation
## gammaK1 gammaK2 gammaK3 gammaK4 gammaKLimit
set gammaKsp [list 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.99]
#set gammaKsp [list 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
#### Coefficients for Reloading Stiffness degradation
### gammaD1 gammaD2 gammaD3 gammaD4 gammaDLimit
set gammaDsp [list 0.10 0.40 1.00 0.50 0.99]
#set gammaDsp [list 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
#### Coefficients for Strength degradation
### gammaF1 gammaF2 gammaF3 gammaF4 gammaFLimit
set gammaFsp [list 0.40 0.15 0.80 0.40 0.99]
#set gammaFsp [list 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
set gammaEsp 10.0
uniaxialMaterial Pinching4 5 [lindex $pEnvStrsp 0] [lindex $pEnvStnsp 0] \
[lindex $pEnvStrsp 1] [lindex $pEnvStnsp 1] [lindex $pEnvStrsp 2] \
[lindex $pEnvStnsp 2] [lindex $pEnvStrsp 3] [lindex $pEnvStnsp 3] \
[lindex $nEnvStrsp 0] [lindex $nEnvStnsp 0] \
[lindex $nEnvStrsp 1] [lindex $nEnvStnsp 1] [lindex $nEnvStrsp 2] \
[lindex $nEnvStnsp 2] [lindex $nEnvStrsp 3] [lindex $nEnvStnsp 3] \
[lindex $rDispsp 0] [lindex $rForcesp 0] [lindex $uForcesp 0] \
[lindex $rDispsp 1] [lindex $rForcesp 1] [lindex $uForcesp 1] \
[lindex $gammaKsp 0] [lindex $gammaKsp 1] [lindex $gammaKsp 2] [lindex $gammaKsp 3] [lindex $gammaKsp 4] \
[lindex $gammaDsp 0] [lindex $gammaDsp 1] [lindex $gammaDsp 2] [lindex $gammaDsp 3] [lindex $gammaDsp 4] \
[lindex $gammaFsp 0] [lindex $gammaFsp 1] [lindex $gammaFsp 2] [lindex $gammaFsp 3] [lindex $gammaFsp 4] \
$gammaEsp energy
#################### end material formation for shear panel ###########################################
##element BeamColumnJoint tag? iNode? jNode? kNode? lNode? matTag1? matTag2? matTag3? matTag4?
## matTag5? matTag6? matTag7? matTag8? matTag9? matTag10? matTag11? matTag12? matTag13?
## <element Height factor?> <element Width factor?>
## please note: the four nodes are in anticlockwise direction around the element
## requires material tags for all 13 different components within the element.
## the first 12 being that of spring and the last of the shear panel
element beamColumnJoint 7 2 6 9 5 41 42 1 21 31 1 43 44 1 22 32 1 5
#element beamColumnJoint 7 2 6 9 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% equivalent statement can be made in other way
#element beamColumnJoint 7 2 6 9 5 41 42 1 21 31 1 43 44 1 22 32 1 5 1.0 1.0
#element beamColumnJoint 7 2 6 9 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.0
# set the boundary conditions - command: fix nodeID xResrnt? yRestrnt?
fix 1 1 1 0
fix 2 0 0 0
fix 3 0 0 0
fix 4 0 0 0
fix 5 0 0 0
fix 6 0 0 0
fix 7 0 0 0
fix 8 0 0 0
fix 9 0 0 0
fix 10 1 0 0

set rbbt "_RBbt"; set rbtp "_RBtp"; set dlcbr "_DLCbr"; set sp "_Sp"; set jdf "_Jdf";
set lbbt "_LBbt"; set lbtp "_LBtp"; set drcbr "_DRCbr"; set ulcbr "_ULCbr"; set urcbr "_URCbr";
set RBbt [concat $fName$rbbt]; set RBtp [concat $fName$rbtp]; set Sp [concat $fName$sp];
set LBbt [concat $fName$lbbt]; set LBtp [concat $fName$lbtp]; set DLCbr [concat $fName$dlcbr];
set DRCbr [concat $fName$drcbr]; set URCbr [concat $fName$urcbr]; set ULCbr [concat $fName$ulcbr];
set Jdf [concat $fName$jdf];
recorder Element -file $Jdf.out -time -ele 7 deformation
recorder Element -file ele7.out -time -ele 7 localForce
recorder Node -file node301.out -time -node 3 -dof 2 reaction
recorder Node -file node302.out -time -node 3 -dof 2 disp
recorder Node -file node801.out -time -node 8 -dof 2 reaction
recorder Node -file node802.out -time -node 8 -dof 2 disp

pattern Plain 1 Linear {
load 10 0 -760000 0
constraints Plain
numberer Plain
system BandGeneral
test EnergyIncr 1.0e-6 200
algorithm Newton
integrator LoadControl 0.5
analysis Static
analyze 10

loadConst -time 0.0

set dt 0.1;
timeSeries Path 2 -dt 0.1 -filePath disp01.txt -factor 1;
timeSeries Path 1 -dt 0.1 -filePath disp02.txt -factor 1;
pattern Plain 2 2 {sp 3 2 1}
pattern Plain 3 1 {sp 8 2 1}
system BandGeneral ;
constraints Penalty 1.0e20 1.0e20
numberer RCM;
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-5 4000 4
algorithm KrylovNewton
integrator LoadControl 0.02
analysis Static
analyze [expr 2300*3]

Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:03 am
Location: Ferdowsi university of mashhad

Re: Can someone help me

Post by nilz » Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:01 am

How can define the parameters of Pinching4 material?

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