suitable friction material & initial stress material

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suitable friction material & initial stress material

Post by sorour » Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:18 am

Dear all
I’m trying to find a suitable material for a zero length element witch implemented to model a “friction bolt that slides in a slotted hole” when the imposed shear force gets to maximum static friction force of the contact bolted surfaces. Since the material behavior should be like “rigid-plastic”, I haven’t found appropriate material yet. I have tried the “zerolengthContact element”, but I could not understand what the "Nx and Ny" are; besides, I’m not sure if it is the best material for my purpose.
And the other issue is: when I use initial stress material for prestressed cable, I get the warning about finding no “initial strain” while there is no item about asking initial strain in definition of “Initial Stress Material”
Would you please help me?!

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