problem with zero-length section element +Bond_SP01 model

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problem with zero-length section element +Bond_SP01 model

Post by basharfarah » Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:36 am

Hi everyone , I'm working on modeling the bond-slip effects in RC frame , I'm using the combination of zero-length section element plus the Bond_SP01 model .
I'm getting always the same results with and without using the zero - length element .I'm not getting any differences.
please find below my input file (units are Ksi)
i really need your help otherwise i can't go further in my research .

# Units: kips, in.

# Create ModelBuilder (with two dimensions and 2 DOF/node)
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 3

# Create nodes
# tag X Y

node 1 0 0
node 111 0 0
node 2 88.6 0
node 222 88.6 0
node 3 0 13.6
node 4 88.6 13.6
node 5 0 27.2
node 6 88.6 27.2
node 7 0 40.7
node 8 88.6 40.7
node 9 0 54.3
node 10 88.6 54.3
node 11 0 67.9
node 12 88.6 67.9
node 13 17.7 67.9
node 14 35.4 67.9
node 15 53.1 67.9
node 16 70.9 67.9

# Fix supports at base of column
# Tag DX DY RZ
fix 1 1 1 1
fix 2 1 1 1
equalDOF 1 111 1
fix 111 1 0 0
equalDOF 2 222 1
fix 222 1 0 0

# Define materials for nonlinear columns

## Core concrete (for the zero section )
##CONCRETE tag f'c ec0 f'cu ecu
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 7 -4.64 -0.0035 -4 -0.0175

## Core concrete (confined)
##CONCRETE tag f'c ec0 f'cu ecu
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 1 -4.64 -0.0035 -1.45 -0.0175

## Cover concrete (unconfined)
##CONCRETE tag f'c ec0 f'cu ecu
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 2 -4.06 -0.0019 0.0 -0.006

## STEEL rebar
##STEEL02 tag $Fy $E $b $R0 $cR1 $cR2 $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 3 58 29000 0.01 18.5 0.925 0.15 0.00 1.0 0.00 1.0

#uniaxialMaterial StrPen01 $Tag $fy $sy $fu $su $b $R
uniaxialMaterial Bond_SP01 5 58 0.014 65.25 0.4 0.3 0.5

# Define cross-section for nonlinear column
## Set some parameters
set colWidth 5.9
set colDepth 5.9;
set beamWidth 5.9;
set beamDepth 7.87 ;
set clearCover [expr 0.787]; #clear cover of concrete

set barArea 0.1217; # Area of no. 10 bar

set columnTag 1 ; # column section
# set some paramaters

set cover $clearCover
set Ass $barArea ; # area of d10 bars

# some variables derived from the parameters
set yc1 [expr $colDepth/2.0]
set zc1 [expr $colWidth/2.0]

section fiberSec 1 {

# Create the concrete core fibers
patch rect 1 10 10 [expr $cover-$yc1] [expr $cover-$zc1] [expr $yc1-$cover] [expr $zc1-$cover]

# Create the concrete cover fibers (top, bottom, left, right)
patch rect 2 10 2 [expr -$yc1] [expr $zc1-$cover] $yc1 $zc1
patch rect 2 10 2 [expr -$yc1] [expr -$zc1] $yc1 [expr $cover-$zc1]
patch rect 2 2 1 [expr -$yc1] [expr $cover-$zc1] [expr $cover-$yc1] [expr $zc1-$cover]
patch rect 2 2 1 [expr $yc1-$cover] [expr $cover-$zc1] $yc1 [expr $zc1-$cover]

# Create the reinforcing fibers (left, middle, right)
layer straight 3 3 $Ass [expr $yc1-$cover] [expr $zc1-$cover] [expr $yc1-$cover] [expr $cover-$zc1]
layer straight 3 3 $Ass [expr $cover-$yc1] [expr $zc1-$cover] [expr $cover-$yc1] [expr $cover-$zc1]
layer straight 3 2 $Ass [expr 0] [expr $zc1-$cover] [expr 0] [expr $cover-$zc1]
set beamTag 2 ; # beam section
# set some paramaters

# some variables derived from the parameters
set yb1 [expr $beamDepth/2.0]
set zb1 [expr $beamWidth/2.0]

section fiberSec 2 {

# Create the concrete core fibers
patch rect 1 10 10 [expr $cover-$yb1] [expr $cover-$zb1] [expr $yb1-$cover] [expr $zb1-$cover]

# Create the concrete cover fibers (top, bottom, left, right)
patch rect 2 10 2 [expr -$yb1] [expr $zb1-$cover] $yb1 $zb1
patch rect 2 10 2 [expr -$yb1] [expr -$zb1] $yb1 [expr $cover-$zb1]
patch rect 2 2 1 [expr -$yb1] [expr $cover-$zb1] [expr $cover-$yb1] [expr $zb1-$cover]
patch rect 2 2 1 [expr $yb1-$cover] [expr $cover-$zb1] $yb1 [expr $zb1-$cover]

# Create the reinforcing fibers (left, middle, right)
layer straight 3 3 $Ass [expr $yb1-$cover] [expr $zb1-$cover] [expr $yb1-$cover] [expr $cover-$zb1]
layer straight 3 3 $Ass [expr $cover-$yb1] [expr $zb1-$cover] [expr $cover-$yb1] [expr $cover-$zb1]
set zeroTag 3 ; # zero element section
# set some paramaters

section fiberSec 3 {

# Create the concrete core fibers
patch rect 7 10 10 [expr $cover-$yc1] [expr $cover-$zc1] [expr $yc1-$cover] [expr $zc1-$cover]

# Create the concrete cover fibers (top, bottom, left, right)
patch rect 2 10 2 [expr -$yc1] [expr $zc1-$cover] $yc1 $zc1
patch rect 2 10 2 [expr -$yc1] [expr -$zc1] $yc1 [expr $cover-$zc1]
patch rect 2 2 1 [expr -$yc1] [expr $cover-$zc1] [expr $cover-$yc1] [expr $zc1-$cover]
patch rect 2 2 1 [expr $yc1-$cover] [expr $cover-$zc1] $yc1 [expr $zc1-$cover]

# Create the reinforcing fibers (left, middle, right)
layer straight 5 3 $Ass [expr $yc1-$cover] [expr $zc1-$cover] [expr $yc1-$cover] [expr $cover-$zc1]
layer straight 5 3 $Ass [expr $cover-$yc1] [expr $zc1-$cover] [expr $cover-$yc1] [expr $cover-$zc1]
layer straight 5 2 $Ass [expr 0] [expr $zc1-$cover] [expr 0] [expr $cover-$zc1]
# Define elements
## Geometry of coloumn elements
geomTransf PDelta 1

# Number of integration points along length of element
set np 5

# set eleType forceBeamColumn
set eleType dispBeamColumn

# column elements
# tag ndI ndJ nsecs secID transfTag
element $eleType 1 1 3 $np 1 1
element $eleType 2 3 5 $np 1 1
element $eleType 3 5 7 $np 1 1
element $eleType 4 7 9 $np 1 1
element $eleType 5 9 11 $np 1 1
element $eleType 6 2 4 $np 1 1
element $eleType 7 4 6 $np 1 1
element $eleType 8 6 8 $np 1 1
element $eleType 9 8 10 $np 1 1
element $eleType 10 10 12 $np 1 1

# beam elements
element $eleType 11 11 13 $np 2 1
element $eleType 12 13 14 $np 2 1
element $eleType 13 14 15 $np 2 1
element $eleType 14 15 16 $np 2 1
element $eleType 15 16 12 $np 2 1

# Create the columns using displacement controlled beam-column elements
# tag ndI ndJ secID
element zeroLengthSection 17 1 111 3
element zeroLengthSection 18 2 222 3

# Define gravity loads
# Set a parameter for the axial load
set P 22.48

# Create a Plain load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries
pattern Plain 1 "Linear" {

# Create nodal loads at nodes 2
# nd FX FY MZ
load 11 0.0 [expr -$P] 0.0
load 12 0.0 [expr -$P] 0.0
# ------------------------------
# End of model generation

# ------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
system BandGeneral
constraints Transformation
numberer Plain
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-12 1000 3
algorithm Newton
integrator LoadControl 0.1
analysis Static
# ------------------------------
# End of analysis generation
# ------------------------------
# Finally perform the analysis
# ------------------------------
# perform the gravity load analysis, requires 10 steps to reach the load level
analyze 10

# Print out the state of nodes 2
print node 9
# Print out the state of element 1
print ele 1
puts "Gravity Analysis Completed"
# Set the gravity loads to be constant & reset the time in the domain
loadConst -time 0.0

# ----------------------------------------------------
# End of Model Generation & Initial Gravity Analysis
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Start of additional modelling for lateral loads

set H 0.5; # Reference lateral load
# Set lateral load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries
pattern Plain 2 "Linear" {

# Create nodal loads at node 2
# nd FX FY MZ
load 11 $H 0.0 0.0
load 12 $H 0.0 0.0

recorder Node -file DFree.out -time -node 11 -dof 1 disp; # displacements of free nodes
recorder Node -file RBase.out -time -node 1 2 -dof 1 reaction; # support reaction
# --------------------------------
# End of recorder generation

set Tol 1.e-8; # Convergence Test: tolerance
set maxNumIter 1000; # Convergence Test: maximum number of iterations that will be performed before "failure to converge" is returned
set printFlag 3; # Convergence Test: flag used to print information on convergence (optional) # 1: print information on each step;
set TestType EnergyIncr ; # Convergence-test type
test $TestType $Tol $maxNumIter $printFlag;
set algorithmType Newton
algorithm $algorithmType;

set dU1 0.005
set dU2 -0.005
# Perform the analysis
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 6
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 6
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 6
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 6
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 16
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 16
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 10
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 10
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 16
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 16
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 10
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 10
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 20
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 20
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 16
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 16
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 31
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 31
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 26
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 26
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 31
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 31
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 26
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 26
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 58
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 58
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 52
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 52
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 57
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 57
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 52
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 52
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 79
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 79
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 79
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 79
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 110
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 110
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 110
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 110
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 110
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 110
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 110
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 110
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 157
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 157
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 157
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 157
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 157
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 157
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 157
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 157
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 236
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 236
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 236
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 236
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 315
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 315
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 315
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 315
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 394
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 394
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 394
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 394
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 551
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 551
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 551
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 551
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU1
analyze 787
integrator DisplacementControl 11 1 $dU2
analyze 787

Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:17 pm
Location: zhengzhou university

Re: problem with zero-length section element +Bond_SP01 mode

Post by yiyuliubai » Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:10 am

Dose bond sp01and strpen01 has any difference?

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