Question about SCBF-3D model

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Question about SCBF-3D model

Post by ming » Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:01 pm

Hi everyone,
I want to follow the SCBF-3D model on opensees wiki to build my 3-storey 3D model, but it didn't work well. I just changed the unit to metric unit and the members based on my design and build the model just for the Ground Floor to see how it works, I get the errors below:
WARNING: CTestNormDispIncr::test()-failed to converge
after:10 interations
NewtnRaphson::solveCurrentStep()-the Algorithm failed at time 11.395
OpenSees>analyze failed, returned:-3 error flag
failed to get compatible element forces & deformations for element:3101
Can anyone check what's going wrong with my model (Ground Floor Only) ?
foreach GP_Model { "RH" } {
# GP stands for gusset plate connection model based on Uriz report: PEER 2008/08
# RH stands for gusset plate connection model that uses rotational spring based on: Po-Chien Hsiao, Dawn E. Lehman, Charles W. Roeder, (2012), "Improved analytical model for special concentrically braced frames", Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (21012) 80-94
# pin stands for pinned gusset plate connection
# Set Up & Source Definition
wipe; # clear memory of past model definitions
model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 6; # Define the model builder, ndm = #dimension, ndf = #dofs
source LibUnits.tcl;
source WSection3D.tcl; # procedure for creating standard steel W section
source HSSsection3D.tcl; # procedure for creating standard steel HSS section
source GPsection3D.tcl; # procedure for creating gusset plate section

# Define Analysis Type and create output folder
# Define type of analysis: "pushover" = pushover; "dynamic" = dynamic
set analysisType "dynamic";

if {$analysisType == "pushover"} {
if { $GP_Model == "GP" } {
set dataDir Pushover-Output-GP; # name of output folder
} elseif { $GP_Model == "RH" } {
set dataDir Pushover-Output-RH;
} else {
set dataDir Pushover-Output-pin
file mkdir $dataDir; # create output folder
if {$analysisType == "dynamic"} {
if { $GP_Model == "GP" } {
set dataDir Dynamic-Output-GP-10El-EQ20; # name of output folder
} elseif { $GP_Model == "RH" } {
set dataDir Dynamic-Output-RH-10El-EQ20;
} else {
set dataDir Dynamic-Output-pin-10El-EQ20
set subDir1 DriftAcceleration
set subDir2 ForceDeformation
file mkdir $dataDir/$subDir1; # create output folder
file mkdir $dataDir/$subDir2;

# Define Building Geometry, Nodes, and Constraints
# define structure-geometry parameters
set WBay [expr 7.5 * $m]; # bay width in inches
set HStory [expr 4.5 * $m]; # 1st story height in inches

# calculate locations frame nodes:
set Pier1 0.0; # leftmost column line
set Pier2 [expr $Pier1 + $WBay];
set Floor1 0.0; # ground floor
set Floor2 [expr $Floor1 + $HStory];

# joint offset distance for beams, columns, and braces (from gusset plate geometry)
set PI [expr 2.*asin(1.0)]
set alpha [expr atan($HStory/($WBay/2))]
set jOff_col_b [expr 882.1 * $mm]; # joint offset at the bottom of the column (gusset-plate conection)
set jOff_beam_m [expr 424.7 * $mm]; # joint offset from the middle node of beam (gusset-plate conection)
set jOff_brace_b [expr 759.2 * $mm]; # rigid joint length alone the bottom of brace
set jOff_brace_bx [expr $jOff_brace_b * cos($alpha)]; # joint offset at the bottom of a braces in X direction (from work point to yield line)
set jOff_brace_by [expr $jOff_brace_b * sin($alpha)]; # joint offset at the bottom of a braces in y direction (from work point to yield line)
set jOff_brace_t [expr 759.2 * $mm]; # rigid joint length alone the top of brace
set jOff_brace_tx [expr $jOff_brace_t * cos($alpha)]; # joint offset at the top of a braces in X direction (from work point to yield line)
set jOff_brace_ty [expr $jOff_brace_t * sin($alpha)]; # joint offset at the top of a braces in y direction (from work point to yield line)
set jOff_beam_e [expr 763.6 * $mm]; # joint offset for the beam at its ends (from column centerline to the shear tab hinge line)
set jOff_col_t [expr 174.5 * $mm]; # joint offset for a column at the beam-column conection (Dbeam/2)

# end node ofsets of the braces (from a work point to the beginning of the brace)
set nOff_brace_b [expr 759.2 * $mm]; # bottom of rigid length along brace direction CHECK THIS VALUE, IT MAYBE SOMETHING ELSE ()()()()()()()()()()()()()
set nOff_brace_bx [expr $nOff_brace_b * cos($alpha)]; # bottom of a brace in X direction
set nOff_brace_by [expr $nOff_brace_b * sin($alpha)]; # bottom of a brace in Y direction
set nOff_brace_t [expr 759.2 * $mm]; # top of rigid length along brace direction
set nOff_brace_tx [expr $nOff_brace_t * cos($alpha)]; # top of a brace in X direction
set nOff_brace_ty [expr $nOff_brace_t * cos($alpha)]; # top of a brace in X direction

# brace effective lenght, number of elements per braace, and initial imperfection
set Leff [expr ($WBay/2.)/cos($alpha)-$nOff_brace_b/cos($alpha)-$nOff_brace_t/cos($alpha)]; #effective brace lenght
set noEle 16; # number of elements per brace
set p_ratio 500.; #coresponds to 0.2% of the effective lenght
set p [expr 1./$p_ratio*$Leff]; #imperfection of the brace

# floor masses
set g [expr 9.81*$m/pow($sec,2)]; # acceleration due to gravity
set NodalMass2H [expr 182000 * $kg]; # horizontal mass
set NodalMass2V [expr 18200 * $kg]; # veritcal mass

# define nodes and assign masses to beam-column intersections of frame
# command: node nodeID xcoord ycoord -mass mass_dof1 mass_dof2 mass_dof3
node 1 $Pier1 $Floor1 0.0;
node 2 $Pier2 $Floor1 0.0;
node 3 $Pier1 $Floor2 0.0 -mass [expr $NodalMass2H/3.] [expr $NodalMass2V*0.375] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;
node 4 [expr $WBay/2.0] $Floor2 0.0 -mass [expr $NodalMass2H/3.] [expr $NodalMass2V*0.25] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;
node 5 $Pier2 $Floor2 0.0 -mass [expr $NodalMass2H/3.] [expr $NodalMass2V*0.375] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;

# define extra nodes in the beam
# at shear tabs (pin connection)
node 321 [expr $Pier1 + $jOff_beam_e] $Floor2 0.0
node 322 [expr $Pier1 + $jOff_beam_e] $Floor2 0.0
node 521 [expr $Pier2 - $jOff_beam_e] $Floor2 0.0
node 522 [expr $Pier2 - $jOff_beam_e] $Floor2 0.0
# at gusset plate conection
node 421 [expr $WBay/2.0 - $jOff_beam_m] $Floor2 0.0
node 422 [expr $WBay/2.0 + $jOff_beam_m] $Floor2 0.0

# define extra nodes in the columns
# nodes at the base
node 11 $Pier1 [expr $Floor1 + $jOff_col_b] 0.0
node 21 $Pier2 [expr $Floor1 + $jOff_col_b] 0.0
# nodes at the beam-column conection
node 31 $Pier1 [expr $Floor2 - $jOff_col_t] 0.0
node 51 $Pier2 [expr $Floor2 - $jOff_col_t] 0.0

# define extra nodes for rigid links in the braces:
if { $GP_Model == "GP" } {
node 13 [expr $Pier1 + $jOff_brace_bx] [expr $Floor1 + $jOff_brace_by] 0.0
node 431 [expr $Pier1+$WBay/2.0 - $jOff_brace_tx] [expr $Floor2 - $jOff_brace_ty] 0.0
node 23 [expr $Pier2 - $jOff_brace_bx] [expr $Floor1 + $jOff_brace_by] 0.0
node 432 [expr $Pier2-$WBay/2.0 + $jOff_brace_tx] [expr $Floor2 - $jOff_brace_ty] 0.0
} else {
node 13 [expr $Pier1 + $nOff_brace_bx] [expr $Floor1 + $nOff_brace_by] 0.0
node 431 [expr $Pier1 + $WBay/2.0 - $nOff_brace_tx] [expr $Floor2 - $nOff_brace_ty] 0.0
node 23 [expr $Pier2 - $nOff_brace_bx] [expr $Floor1 + $nOff_brace_by] 0.0
node 432 [expr $Pier2 - $WBay/2.0 + $nOff_brace_tx] [expr $Floor2 - $nOff_brace_ty] 0.0

# define extra nodes along the braces:
# nodeID convention: "3acd" where and a = left or right
# "a" convention: 1 = left; 2 = right;
# cd = node numbering for the brace (can be between 1 and 99)

# nodes of the left brace of storey 1
# puts "brace 1"
set orient "pos"
set shift 3100
set Xi [expr $Pier1 + $nOff_brace_bx]; # x coordinate of node 3101
set Yi [expr $Floor1 + $nOff_brace_by]; # y coordinate of node 3101
set Zi 0.0
set eleL [expr $Leff/$noEle]
for { set i 1 } { $i <= [expr $noEle+1] } { incr i} {
#local coordinates
set xm [expr $eleL * ($i - 1)]
set ym 0.0
set zm [expr 4. * $p/$Leff * $xm * (1. - $xm/$Leff)];
#global coordinates
if {$orient == "pos"} {
set Xm [expr $Xi + cos($alpha) * $xm];
set Ym [expr $Yi + sin($alpha) * $xm];
set Zm [expr $Zi + $zm];
} else {
set Xm [expr $Xi - cos($alpha) * $xm];
set Ym [expr $Yi + sin($alpha) * $xm];
set Zm [expr $Zi + $zm];
if { $i == [expr $noEle + 1] } {
set Xm [expr $Pier1 + $WBay/2.0 - $nOff_brace_tx]; # x coordinate of the last node
set Ym [expr $Floor2 - $nOff_brace_ty]; # y coordinate of the last node
set Zm 0.0
#define nodes
node [expr $shift+$i] $Xm $Ym $Zm
#puts "node: [expr $shift+$i] $Xm $Ym $Zm"

# nodes of the right brace of storey 1
# puts "brace 2"
set orient "neg"
set shift 3200
set Xi [expr $Pier2 - $nOff_brace_bx]; # x coordinate of node 3201
set Yi [expr $Floor1 + $nOff_brace_by]; # y coordinate of node 3201
set Zi 0.0
for { set i 1 } { $i <= [expr $noEle + 1] } { incr i} {
#local coordinates
set xm [expr $eleL * ($i - 1)]
set ym 0.0
set zm [expr 4. * $p/$Leff * $xm * (1. - $xm/$Leff)];
#global coordinates
if {$orient == "pos"} {
set Xm [expr $Xi + cos($alpha) * $xm];
set Ym [expr $Yi + sin($alpha) * $xm];
set Zm [expr $Zi + $zm];
} else {
set Xm [expr $Xi - cos($alpha) * $xm];
set Ym [expr $Yi + sin($alpha) * $xm];
set Zm [expr $Zi + $zm];
if { $i == [expr $noEle + 1] } {
set Xm [expr $Pier2 - $WBay/2.0 + $nOff_brace_tx]; # x coordinate of the last node
set Ym [expr $Floor2 - $nOff_brace_ty]; # y coordinate of of the last node
set Zm 0.0
#define nodes
node [expr $shift + $i] $Xm $Ym $Zm
#puts "node: [expr $shift+$i] $Xm $Ym $Zm"

# assign boundary condidtions
# command: fix nodeID dxFixity dyFixity rzFixity
# fixity values: 1 = constrained; 0 = unconstrained

# fix the base of the frame;
fix 1 1 1 1 1 1 1;
fix 2 1 1 1 1 1 1;

# fix the displacement of the frame in z direction and rotation in X & Y dir.
# beam nodes
fix 3 0 0 1 0 1 0
fix 4 0 0 1 1 0 0
fix 5 0 0 1 0 1 0

# define constraints for pined beam-to-column connection
equalDOF 322 321 1 2 3 4 5
equalDOF 522 521 1 2 3 4 5

# define constraints for zeroLenght elements used to model out of plane rotational hinge
if { $GP_Model == "RH" || $GP_Model == "pin" } {
equalDOF 13 3101 1 2 3 6
equalDOF 23 3201 1 2 3 6
equalDOF 431 [expr 3101 + $noEle] 1 2 3 6
equalDOF 432 [expr 3201 + $noEle] 1 2 3 6

# Define Materials and Sections

# define material for nonlinear beams and columns
set matID_BC 1
set matID_fatBC 2
set Es [expr 200 * $GPa]; # modulus of elasticity for steel
set Fy [expr 300.0 * $MPa]; # yield stress of steel
set b 0.01; # strain hardening ratio
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $matID_BC $Fy $Es $b 20 0.925 0.15 0.000005 0.000005 0.0000008 0.00000065
uniaxialMaterial Fatigue $matID_fatBC $matID_BC

# define material for braces
set matID_Brace 3
set matID_fatBrace 4
set Fy_b [expr 345.0 * $MPa]; # yield stress of steel
set E0 0.04712
set m -0.3
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $matID_Brace $Fy_b $Es $b 20 0.925 0.15 0.000005 0.000005 0.0000008 0.00000065
uniaxialMaterial Fatigue $matID_fatBrace $matID_Brace -E0 $E0 -m $m -min -0.36 -max 0.36
#uniaxialMaterial Fatigue $matID_fatBrace $matID_Brace -E0 $E0 -m $m

# define material for gusset plates
# GP_Model == GP
set matID_GP 5
set Fy_gp 50.0
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $matID_GP $Fy_gp $Es $b 20 0.925 0.15 0.0005 0.01 0.0005 0.01
# GP_Model == RH
# out-of-plane rotational hinge (dir 5 in local coordinate system)
set matID_RHb 11
set matID_RHt 12
set My_b 25775.
set My_t 25775.
set Krot_b 851194
set Krot_t 1309528
set b 0.01
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $matID_RHb $My_b $Krot_b $b 20 0.925 0.15 0.000005 0.000005 0.0000008 0.00000065
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $matID_RHt $My_t $Krot_t $b 20 0.925 0.15 0.000005 0.000005 0.0000008 0.00000065
# torsional rotation (dir 4 in local coordinate system)
set matID_RH_tors 13
uniaxialMaterial Elastic $matID_RH_tors 10.e7
# free rotation simulating pin connection (dir 5 in local coordinate system)
set matID_pin 14
uniaxialMaterial Elastic $matID_pin 10.e-7

# define material for ghost truss
set matID_GT 6
uniaxialMaterial Elastic $matID_GT 1.0

# define material for rigid truss elements
set matID_RT 7
uniaxialMaterial Elastic $matID_RT $Es

# define sections
set secTagC 10
set secTagB 20
set secTagBr 30
set secTagGPb 40
set secTagGPt 50

# command: WSection3D secID matID matTorsion d bf tf tw nfdw nftw nfbf nftf J
# column: W250x73
WSection3D $secTagC $matID_fatBC $secTagC [expr 253*$mm] [expr 254*$mm] [expr 14.2*$mm] [expr 8.6*$mm] 8 2 8 4 [expr 575000*$mm4]
# beam: W360x33
WSection3D $secTagB $matID_fatBC $secTagB [expr 349*$mm] [expr 127*$mm] [expr 8.5*$mm] [expr 5.8*$mm] 8 2 8 4 [expr 85900*$mm4]

# define sections for braces
# command: HSSsection3D secID matID matTorsion d t nfdy nfty nfdz nftz
# HSS127x127x7.95
HSSsection3D $secTagBr $matID_fatBrace $secTagBr [expr 127*$mm] [expr 7.95*$mm] 5 4 5 2

# define sections for gusset plates
# command: GPsection3D secID matID matTorsion d t nfd nft
# bottom of the brace
GPsection3D $secTagGPb $matID_GP $secTagGPb [expr 503.4*$mm] [expr 32*$mm] 8 8
# top of the brace
GPsection3D $secTagGPt $matID_GP $secTagGPt [expr 503.4*$mm] [expr 32*$mm] 8 8

# Define Geometric Transformation
set transfTag_C 1
set transfTag_Brace 2
set transfTag_B 3

# rigid links of columns; columns
geomTransf PDelta $transfTag_C 0 0 1

# braces, gusset plates
geomTransf Corotational $transfTag_Brace 0 0 1

# beams
geomTransf PDelta $transfTag_B 0 0 1

# Define Elements

set tol 1.e-8
set maxIter 1000

# define columns of a braced frame:
# eleID convention: "1x", 1 = column, x=Pier #
# command arguments: $eleID $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag
element forceBeamColumn 11 11 31 4 $secTagC $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol
element forceBeamColumn 12 21 51 4 $secTagC $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol

# define beams of a braced frame:
# eleID convention: "2a", 2 = beam, a = location of the beam
# "a" convention: 1 = left; 2 = right;
# command arguments: $eleID $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag
element forceBeamColumn 21 322 421 3 $secTagB $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol
element forceBeamColumn 22 422 522 3 $secTagB $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol

# define braces:
# eleID convention: "3acd", 3 = brace, a = location of the brace
# "a" convention: 1 = left brace; 2 = right brace;
# cd = element numbering for the brace (can be between 1 and 99)
# command arguments: $eleID $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag
set NIP 3

# storey 1 - left brace
set shift 3100
for { set i 1 } { $i <= [expr $noEle] } { incr i} {
element forceBeamColumn [expr $shift+$i] [expr $shift+$i] [expr $shift+$i+1] $NIP $secTagBr $transfTag_Brace -iter $maxIter $tol

# storey 1 - right brace
set shift 3200
for { set i 1 } { $i <= [expr $noEle] } { incr i} {
element forceBeamColumn [expr $shift+$i] [expr $shift+$i] [expr $shift+$i+1] $NIP $secTagBr $transfTag_Brace -iter $maxIter $tol

# define gusset plates:
if { $GP_Model == "GP" } {
# eleID convention: "4ab", 4 = gusset plate, a, b = location of the gusset plate
# "a" convention: 1 = left brace; 2 = right brace;
# "b" convention: 1 = bottom; 2 = top
# command arguments: $eleID $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag
set NIP 2
# left brace
set shift 3100
element forceBeamColumn 411 13 [expr $shift+1] $NIP $secTagGPb $transfTag_Brace
element forceBeamColumn 412 [expr $shift+$noEle+1] 431 $NIP $secTagGPt $transfTag_Brace
# right brace
set shift 3200
element forceBeamColumn 421 23 [expr $shift+1] $NIP $secTagGPb $transfTag_Brace
element forceBeamColumn 422 [expr $shift+$noEle+1] 432 $NIP $secTagGPt $transfTag_Brace
} elseif { $GP_Model == "RH" } {
# command arguemnts: $eleTag $iNode $jNode -mat $matTag1 $matTag2 ... -dir $dir1 $dir2
# left brace
set shift 3100
element zeroLength 411 13 [expr $shift+1] -mat $matID_RH_tors $matID_RHb -dir 4 5 -orient 1 1 0 -1 1 0
element zeroLength 412 [expr $shift+$noEle+1] 431 -mat $matID_RH_tors $matID_RHt -dir 4 5 -orient 1 1 0 -1 1 0
# right brace
set shift 3200
element zeroLength 421 23 [expr $shift+1] -mat $matID_RH_tors $matID_RHb -dir 4 5 -orient -1 1 0 -1 -1 0
element zeroLength 422 [expr $shift+$noEle+1] 432 -mat $matID_RH_tors $matID_RHt -dir 4 5 -orient -1 1 0 -1 -1 0
} else {
# command arguemnts: $eleTag $iNode $jNode -mat $matTag1 $matTag2 ... -dir $dir1 $dir2
# left brace
set shift 3100
element zeroLength 411 13 [expr $shift+1] -mat $matID_RH_tors $matID_pin -dir 4 5 -orient 1 1 0 -1 1 0
element zeroLength 412 [expr $shift+$noEle+1] 431 -mat $matID_RH_tors $matID_pin -dir 4 5 -orient 1 1 0 -1 1 0
# right brace
set shift 3200
element zeroLength 421 23 [expr $shift+1] -mat $matID_RH_tors $matID_pin -dir 4 5 -orient -1 1 0 -1 -1 0
element zeroLength 422 [expr $shift+$noEle+1] 432 -mat $matID_RH_tors $matID_pin -dir 4 5 -orient -1 1 0 -1 -1 0

# define rigid links:
set Jrigid [expr 0.00416 * $m4]; # 1.0e4 in4
set G [expr $Es/2.0/(1+0.3)]

set Arigid [expr 3620 * 10. * $mm2]; # area of the brace multiplied by 10
set Irigid [expr 835. * 10 * $cm4]; # I of the brace multiplied by 10
# eleID convention: "5xa", 5 = rigid link for braces, a = location of the rigid link
# "a" convention: 1 = left-botom; 2 = left-top; 3 = right-bottom; 4 = right-top;
# comand arguemnts: $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E $G $J $Iy $Iz $transfTag
element elasticBeamColumn 51 1 13 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $Irigid $Irigid $transfTag_Brace
element elasticBeamColumn 52 431 4 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $Irigid $Irigid $transfTag_Brace
element elasticBeamColumn 53 2 23 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $Irigid $Irigid $transfTag_Brace
element elasticBeamColumn 54 432 4 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $Irigid $Irigid $transfTag_Brace

set Arigid [expr 4170 * 10. * $mm2]; # area of the beam multiplied by 10
set IrigidZ [expr 8270. * 10 * $cm4]; # Iz of the beam multiplied by 10
set IrigidY [expr 291. * 10 * $cm4]; # Iy of the beam multiplied by 10

# eleID convention: "6a", 6 = rigid link of beams, , a = location of the rigid link
# "a" convention: 1 = left; 2 = right; 3 = left-middle; 4 = right-middle;
# comand arguemnts: $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E $G $J $Iy $Iz $transfTag
element elasticBeamColumn 61 3 321 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $IrigidY $IrigidZ $transfTag_B
element elasticBeamColumn 62 521 5 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $IrigidY $IrigidZ $transfTag_B
element elasticBeamColumn 63 421 4 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $IrigidY $IrigidZ $transfTag_B
element elasticBeamColumn 64 4 422 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $IrigidY $IrigidZ $transfTag_B

set Arigid [expr 9280 * 10. * $mm2]; # area of the column multiplied by 10
set IrigidZ [expr 11300. * 10 * $cm4]; # Iz of the column multiplied by 10
set IrigidY [expr 3880. * 10 * $cm4]; # Iy of the column multiplied by 10

# eleID convention: "7xa", 7 = rigid link of columns, x = pier #, a = location of the rigid link
# "a" convention: 1 = botom; 2 = top;
# comand arguemnts: $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E $G $J $Iy $Iz $transfTag
element elasticBeamColumn 711 1 11 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $IrigidY $IrigidZ $transfTag_C
element elasticBeamColumn 712 31 3 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $IrigidY $IrigidZ $transfTag_C
element elasticBeamColumn 721 2 21 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $IrigidY $IrigidZ $transfTag_C
element elasticBeamColumn 722 51 5 $Arigid $Es $G $Jrigid $IrigidY $IrigidZ $transfTag_C

# ghost trusses to the braces (with very small stiffness) to diminish convergence problems
set Agt [expr 3.2e-5 * $m2]; #truss area
# braces
element corotTruss 81 3101 [expr 3101+$noEle] $Agt $matID_GT
element corotTruss 82 3201 [expr 3201+$noEle] $Agt $matID_GT

# add rigid truss elemnts to assure that the beam nodes move horizontaly together
set ArigidT [expr 1.0 * $m2]; # define area of truss section (make much larger than A of frame elements)
# command: element truss $eleID $iNode $jNode $A $materialID
element truss 91 3 4 $ArigidT $matID_RT;
element truss 92 4 5 $ArigidT $matID_RT;

Posts: 48
Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:27 am

Re: Question about SCBF-3D model

Post by ehsanala » Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:35 pm

how you to design the Gusset Plate length and Rigid End Zone length(fig 1)? has a special formalin?
I do not know how to design the lengths.
Pleaseو advise me.
I hope your problem will be solved.


Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:03 am
Location: Ferdowsi university of mashhad

Re: Question about SCBF-3D model

Post by nilz » Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:34 am

Dear ming,
I appreciate if it is possible for you to send your 3-story 3D model code to me.

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