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# #

# procRCycDAns.tcl #

# procedure for reverse cyclic displacement control analysis given the peak pts. #

# analysis type used : STATIC #

# Written : N.Mitra #


proc procRCycDAns { incre nodeTag dofTag peakpts} {

set x [lindex $peakpts 0]

set fir [expr $x/$incre]

integrator DisplacementControl $nodeTag $dofTag 0.0 1 $fir $fir

# create the analysis object

analysis Static

# perform the analysis

analyze $incre

integrator DisplacementControl $nodeTag $dofTag 0.0 1 [expr -$fir] [expr -$fir]

analyze [expr 2*$incre]

integrator DisplacementControl $nodeTag $dofTag 0.0 1 $fir $fir

analyze $incre

for {set j 1} {$j < [llength $peakpts]} {incr j 1} {

set tx [lindex $peakpts $j]

set tinc [expr $tx/$fir]

set rt [expr int($tinc)]

integrator DisplacementControl $nodeTag $dofTag 0.0 1 $fir $fir

analyze $rt

integrator DisplacementControl $nodeTag $dofTag 0.0 1 [expr -$fir] [expr -$fir]

analyze [expr 2*$rt]

integrator DisplacementControl $nodeTag $dofTag 0.0 1 $fir $fir

analyze $rt


################################ end procRCycDAns.tcl #######################################
